Payday: The Heist Cheats - PC

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Downloadable Payday: The Heist Cheats
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Achievements (Steam)
A bridge too far! - Complete the GREEN BRIDGE on hard or OVERKILL difficulty. You must have played the heist from the start.
Are you ready yet? - In DIAMOND HEIST, get Bain to come back for you at least 7 times. You must have played the heist from the start.
Are there more than two? - Find ten money bundles in PANIC ROOM.
Are those the blue ones? - Steal all the sapphires in DIAMOND HEIST on hard or OVERKILL difficulty. You must have played the heist from the start.
Blood in, blood out - Trade all the butchers in SLAUGHTERHOUSE. You must have played the heist from the start.
Bomb man - In DIAMOND HEIST, defeat all twelve Patrol Guards using only trip mines. You must have played the heist from the start.
But how? - Get the armored car to drop without shooting at it in SLAUGHTERHOUSE. You must have played the heist from the start.
Easy street - Beat HEAT STREET on OVERKILL difficulty,w/ your group accuracy being at 60% or higher.Everyone in your crew must have played the heist from the start.
Federal crime - Defeat 25 FBI agents in a row.
Gold digger - Beat SLAUGHTERHOUSE within 15 minutes, taking all the gold. You must have played the heist from the start.
Hot lava - Don't let any law enforcer reach graffiti on center roof in PANICROOM from SECURE ROOF obj.until ESCAPE obj.on hard or OVERKILL diffi.Heist from start
I ain't afraid no more - Gain a level in the Assault tree during an assault.
I pushed the button and lived! - In DIAMOND HEIST,get the big diamond and escape on OVERKILL difficulty w/ you and all your team mates alive.Must have played the heist from the start.
Cheney? - Defeat a Bulldozer with a shotgun.
Civil disobedience - Defeat 100 law enforcers in a single heist.
Crack-bang - Gain a level in the Sharpshooter tree with your last kill being a Sniper.
Darkness - On GREEN BRIDGE, destroy all the lights in the main scaffolding tower. You must have played the heist from the start.
Diplomatic - Perform a hostage trade.
Dodge this! - Beat a heist on norm difficulty or above,having killed a Bulldozer w/o taking damage from any Bulldozer.You must have played the heist from the start.
Don't lose face - Beat all heists on OVERKILL difficulty without anyone getting traded from custody. You must have played the heist from the start.
Eagle eyes - Point out a special enemy using the 'shout out' command.
One shot, one kill - repeat - Get 30 kills using 30 shots, using only the M308 Rifle.
PAYDAY - Aquire one billion dollars in total cash. One. BILLION. Dollars.
Quick draw - In PANIC ROOM,kill all armed thugs in&around apt.building within 60 sec of you&your crew drawing weapons.You must have played the heist from start.
Shinobi - Bypassing all 3 consoles before raising the alarm, beat DIAMOND HEIST on hard or OVERKILL difficulty. You must have played the heist from the start.
Intimidating - Get a Heavy SWAT to give up.
Last man standing - Beat a heist after having been the only one alive.
Lay on hands - Gain a level in the Support tree while reviving a teammate.
Left for dead - Finish a heist in custody while all your team mates are alive.
No photos - Destroy all the cameras in FIRST WORLD BANK within 10 seconds of drawing your weapons. You must have played the heist from the start.
Noob herder - Beat any heist on OVERKILL difficulty with three other players who are all using the Noob Lube perk. You must have played the heist from the start.
Stand together - Beat HEAT STREET on normal difficulty or above without anyone getting downed. You must have played the heist from the start.
Windowlicker - Defeat a law enforcer planting C4 in FIRST WORLD BANK on hard difficulty or above. You must have played the heist from the start.
You can run but you can't hide - In PANIC ROOM, take the key from Chavez within the first 45 seconds of starting the mission. You must have played the heist from the start.

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