Obscure Cheats - PC

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Check out these Obscure cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Obscure Cheats
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Aug. 08, 2006
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005

NOTE: There are 2 more download(s) available for our registered users. Log in or register now to access them!
Achievements (Steam)
A stroll in the dark - Cross the gardens.
Brutal - Kill 50 monsters hand-to-hand.
Class over - Leave the office building.
Detention - Search the basement.
First aid - Go to the nurse's office.
Hall pass - Enter the gardens.
Heavily armed - Find all of the weapons.
Honor student - Finish the game in 'Normal' mode.
In my office! - Find the principal.
Investigation - Check out the dorms.
Magna Cum Laude - Finish the game in 'Special' mode.
Present! - Every playable character survived at Leafmore.
Private screening - Search the auditorium.
Prologue - Finish the prologue.
Research - Explore the library.
The End - Finish the game.
Three with one blow - Kill 3 monsters with a single light grenade.
Trigger happy - Kill 150 monsters with a firearm.
With Distinction - Finish the game in 'Hard' mode.

Video sequences
Successfully complete the game to unlock a making of, behind the scenes, and two music videos.

Alternate costumes
Successfully complete the game, then start another game in special mode. Note: Only characters that survived will have an alternate costume.

Laser-sight pistol
Successfully complete the game under the normal or higher difficulty setting, then start another game in special mode. The first available gun will now be a pistol with a laser sight.

Morgenstern bat
Successfully complete the game, then start another game in special mode.

Special mode
Successfully complete the game.

Alternate menu background
Successfully complete the game.

Gallery 1
Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting.

Gallery 2
Successfully complete the game in special mode.

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