All cheats for this game by platform:
Achievements (Steam)
-O-G-E - Wow (Start the game for the first time).
CALL OF DOGE-many spin, such no scope, WOW - Snipe 30 crows.
Cate - So bag, many happy, wow.(Unlock the Cat Carrying costume).
Dad - I'm not a doge (Unlock the final costume.).
Doge rains from above - Press to rain (Press the icon at the end of a run.).
Doge with it - Deal with it.(Start your first run using the Sunglasses costume.).
Dogecoins - Collect 1,208 Dogecoins.
It's a trap! - Stunned.
It's Peanut butter and Doge time - unlock Banana.
Never enough - Collect 802 pantsu.
Not again moon moon - Unlock moon moon.
One Pantsu Doge - Unlock the suit (Unlock the Saitama costume).
The Orange Box - Purchase the orange box.(Unlock the Box costume).