Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005

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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Start the game with the command-line parameter "+set developer 1" to enable the cheats. For example:

"C:\Medal of Honor Pacific Assault\mohpa.exe" +set developer 1

Note: Make sure you use this parameter with the mohpa.exe file and not the mohpa_setup.exe file which is installed to your desktop by default.

Start the game using the modified shortcut, press [~] while playing to bring up the console and enter one of the following codes there:

dog - God Mode
wuss - All Weapons
fullheal - Full Health
notarget - Enemies Ignore You
noclip - No Clipping Mode
fps 1 - Show FPS
maplist - Load Any Level (double-click map name)
map [mapname] - Load Map [mapname] (use names from maplist)

Alternate Method
Instead of using the command-line parameter, you can edit your player config file, located by default in "My Documents\EA Games\Medal of Honor Pacific Assault\configs". The default file is "unnamedsoldier.cfg". Open this file with Wordpad.exe. Go down to the section // Cvars and add the following line to this section:

seta developer "1"

Save the file. This should enable the console once you go back into the game.

Alternate Method #2
If you still cannot get the console to come up, you can actually bind the cheats to keys using the config file which does not require access to the console. Open your config file with Wordpad.exe (located by default in "My Documents\EA Games\Medal of Honor Pacific Assault\configs"). The default file is "unnamedsoldier.cfg". Under the // Key Bindings section, simply change any of the bindings to the cheat codes. For example:

bind F1 "dog"
bind F2 "fullheal"

Demo Cheat Codes
To enable cheat mode, start Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault with the following parameters: "+set ui_console 1" (without the quotes). The shortcut would look like "C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Medal of Honor Pacific Assault Demo\mohpa_demo.exe" +set ui_console 1. After doing that, try out these new weapons by typing the following codes into the console:

spawn weapons/JPN_44.hag - Machine gun
spawn weapons/landmine_allied.hag - Landmine
spawn weapons/US45.hag - US 45
spawn weapons/JPN_Model96LMG.hag - 96 LMG
spawn weapons/type100_smg.hag - SMG
spawn weapons/US_Colt45.hag - Colt .45
spawn items/binoculars.hag - Binoculars

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