Man in a Maze: Deathmatch Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Man in a Maze: Deathmatch cheats and stay cool!
Achievements (Steam)
Frenzy - Extracted sweet, sweet revenge on the mechanical denizens of the maze.
Hedge Complete - Faced down DoneBots, Plasma Turrets and SeekerBots. Learnt the finer points of throwing explosive projectiles.
Medieval Complete - In ye-olde maze, overcame new dangers including electrified floors, Mobile AttackBots and more.
Prizes - Faced certain death countless times to win every prize available in Man in a Maze.
Tech Complete - The deadliest denizens of the maze were overcome to win some of the greatest prizes Man in a Maze has to offer.
Time - Completed every section of the maze under par-time.
Upgrades - Purchased every upgrade in the Man in a Maze shop. Oh yes.
Urban Complete - On the mean streets of the urban maze, continued to show great resilience in the face of even deadlier hazards.

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