Leisure Suit Larry Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Leisure Suit Larry cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Leisure Suit Larry Cheats
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Aug. 08, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Skip quiz questions
Press [Ctrl] + X or [Alt] + X (early game versions) or [Ctrl] + [Alt] + X (newer versions) at the first question.

View version number
Press [Alt] + V.

Debug mode
Press [Alt] + D during game play. Press [Enter] at the windows that appear, then enter one of the following debug commands at the prompt. Alternatively, enter "0724" when prompted for a phone number at the start of the game. Then, type "help me" during game play to display the debug screen.

EffectDebug command
All itemsgimmie gimmie
View inventory itemobject <item number>
Display coordinates and room numberroom number
Display flag statusshow flag or view flag
Display memory allocation[Alt] + M
Display variable valueshow var <variable name> or sv <variable name>
Get itemget item <item number>
Find item<item number> room
Reset flagreset flag
Set flagset flag or sf
Set variablechange var <variable name> or set var <variable name>
Show boundariespriority or [Alt] + V
Item informationsp or [Alt] + I
Teleport to new roomtp <room number>

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