Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Cheats - PC

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Check out these Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Primary Collection of Cheats
Defeating Malichia
Lure him under the two spike gates. Release them when he slithers under it. Lure him into the center cage, jump out, run to where he sarted from, and roll the lever. No more Malichia.

Deafeating Dumah
Pull the three stakes out of him to bring him back to life. Lure him into the furnace room slowly, if you move too fast, he will return to his room. Turn on the gas and hit the switch after he is in the furnace room. Hehe...toast.

Defeating Zephon
Bring a torch with you. Run up to his bell, and swipe at the hole. He will attack with his leg and get it stuck, hit his leg. Strike the egg hole to cause more damage. Any time he gets a leg stuck, hit it with the torch. If you hit the egg sack, he will die. You get the scaling walls ability.

Defeating Rahab
Shoot out the windows. Use the force blast. After he dies, you gain the swimming ability.

Defeating Kain
Wait for him to materialize, then hit him. He will appear behind you almost every time. You get Soul Reaver when he is finished.

Defeating Kain
You need Soul Reaver to do damge. The spit forge refills your health. After you hit him, he will go to the next tier, keep hitting him.....until the last tier, one more hit and he's done for.
Hex Cheats
Some Useful Cheats
There are a number of "command line" parameters that the game will accept, but unfortunately not on the actual command line nor by trying to use the file KAIN2.ARG, which has the default parameters used by the game. They are actually read from an area inside the KAIN2.EXE file. There are only 39 bytes that can be used. Be sure to backup KAIN2.EXE before editing this file. To find the place with a hex editor, search for some part or all of the following string:

under 1 -mainmenu -voice -inspectral

The first parameter should be a level name. This level will be loaded if the "Start A New Game" option is chosen on the Main Menu. See below for level names.

The remaining bytes can be used for parameters. If the -mainmenu parameter is not there, when the game is started, the first parameter level will automatically be loaded. The -inspectral parameter means Raziel will start a new game in the spectral world. It is not known exactly what the -voice parameter does as there are still voices in the game if it is not there.

The following string will open all portals. Also, when a new game is selected, it will start after the long beginning cut-scene and very close to the first portal. These cheats will not however allow access to all areas of the game because they do not grant any of the additional abilities or weapons needed to continue nor will they solve any of the puzzles which open locked doors.

train 1 -mainmenu -voice -allwarp

Command Line Parameters


Level Names (not in order)

Note: Sometimes other numbers after the level name will also work. Examples: train 2; cathy 25.

chrono 1
pillars 1
cathy 55
chrono 2
nightb 8
aluka 46
pillars 2
cathy 54
skinnr 12
fire 3
train 9
train 7
train 1
hubb 1
huba 10
huba 6
huba 1
mrlock 1
under 1
cliff 1
city 14
city 9
city 2
city tower 7
tower 1
add 1
conectc 1
tomb 1
boss 2
htorm 1
piston 1
sunrm 1
intvaly 1
fill 1
stone 10
stone 5
stone 1
skinnr 9
skinnr 1
skinnr 7
out 4
out 1
cathy 68
cathy 49
cathy 47
cathy 42
cathy 19
cathy 8
cathy 5
cathy 3
cathy 1
tompil 3
pillars 9
pillars 4
pillars 3
oracle 22
oracle 18
oracle 17
oracle 15
oracle 13
oracle 10
oracle 5
oracle 3
oracle's cave
nightb 5
nightb 3
nighta 4
nighta 2
nighta 1
aluka 29
aluka 27
aluka 19
aluka 12
aluka 8
aluka 6
aluka 4
aluka 1

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