KISS Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: Dreamcast | PC
Check out these KISS Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
While playing, press [`] (tilde key) to enter the console, then type:

Invuln - God Mode
GimmieGimmieGimmie - All Weapons
NoClip - No Clipping Mode
NoTarget - Monster Targeting On/Off
Spectator - Fly Mode
ChaseCam - Chase Camera (5 Different Angles)
CyclePlayerClass - Cycle Through 4 Player Classes
NextArmor - Increase Armor and Health
PrevArmor - Decrease Armor
NextMonster - Go to Next Monster
PrevMonster - Go to Previous Monster
RestartLevel - Restart Current Level
Give [Itemname] [Amount] - Give Items (See List Below)
CameraLock - Unknown Effect
Debug1 - Unknown Effect
Debug2 - Unknown Effect

Give Items: Fist, BeastClaws, Punisher, Thornblade, Scourge, MagmaCannon, ZeroCannon, Windblade, Galaxion, SpiritLance, Stargaze, MagmaAmmo, AirAmmo, EarthAmmo, Health, BloodRose, ChaoHeart, PickupTrigger, Key, Ticket, Hawkeyes, Gauntlets, CrystalBall, Twister, AngelCharm, Boots, Draco, RageOrb, WaterAmmo, Pamphlet, Belt, BlackDiamond

Note: Some of these may not work when typed in the console. There is another more reliable way to enable them. In the PROFILES folder under the game's install folder are the player configuration files. In whatever profile cheats are to be enabled, open the .cfg file for editing (example C:\KISS\PROFILES\PLAYER.CFG).

Find the line: "Developer" "0" and change it to: "Developer" "1"

Also, remember that the game will reset this to "0" when exiting, so it will have to be changed often.

Now, in the game, go into SETUP/KEYBOARD and scroll down to the bottom. There are two new sections titled "HUD TOGGLES" and "CHEATS". Any of these settings can now be bound to keys and used at any time in the game.
Another Set of Cheats for This Game
Some Useful Cheats
Change to the directory Profiles (e.g. C:KISSProfiles) and use notepad to open your profile (for me it would be mirage.cfg). Scroll down until you see this:

enabledevice "##mouse"

BELOW this line, copy & paste this line:

rangebind "##keyboard" "Q" 0.000000 0.000000 "GimmieGimmieGimmie"

Save your file and start Kiss Psycho Circus. From now on, if you ever need weapons, just press Q and you are set!

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