Jewel Quest Deluxe Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Jewel Quest Deluxe cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Use the following keys while in the game:

[Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Shift]+z - Activate Cheats
[Ctrl]+1 - Load level 1
[Ctrl]+2 - Load level 2
[Ctrl]+3 - Load level 3
[Ctrl]+4 - Load level 4
[Ctrl]+5 - Load level 5
[Alt]+1 - Round 1
[Alt]+2 - Round 2
[Alt]+3 - Round 3
[Alt]+4 - Round 4
[Alt]+5 - Round 5
[Shift]+1 - Cycle 1
[Shift]+2 - Cycle 2
[Shift]+3 - Cycle 3
[Shift]+4 - Cycle 4
[Shift]+5 - Cycle 5
[Ctrl]+W - Auto-win
[Alt]+W - Disable auto-Win
[Ctrl]+l - Add Life (lower case L)
[Alt]+l - Lose Life (lower case L)
[Ctrl]+t - Add 1 minute
[Alt]+t - Subtract 1 minute

- Levels correspond to the 5 different background themes (5 total)
- Rounds represent the boards within each Level (# varies from 5 to 10 with each Level)
- Cycles represent how many times you can go through all the levels (5 total)

For example, when you see Level 3-2 on a game board, it actually represents Level 3, Round 2. When you start the game, you are an Explorer (Cycle 1) and gradually get promoted to Adventurer, Excavator, Surveyor, and finally Researcher. These Cycles can be seen by accessing Replay Any Board from the Menu button that is visible in the game.

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