Isomer Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Isomer cheats and stay cool!
Achievements (Steam)
5 Star - Have a unit reach the maximum promotion level.
Aim away from face - Equip 5 human heavy weapons.
All that sparkles - Collect 1,000 rare minerals.
Allied Tech Center - Reveal the whole world from a loot crate.
Aww nuts - Trigger a trapped resource crate.
Cut the red wire - Disable 5 base alarms.
Did you see that?? - Watch an enemy unit loot an alien weapon from a corpse and equip it.
Ding - Loot 5 promotions from crates.
Glug! - Have a unit drown.
Grim Business - Loot 100 corpses.
Harvester - Collect 500 biomass from plants.
Knifey spoony - Changing the equipped weapon of a unit ten times.
Lacking in all subtlety - Trigger 50 enemy base alarms.
Lambs to the slaughter - Kill 1,000 enemy engineers.
Lights out! - Disable your first enemy base.
Next time try a larger gun - Kill 100 enemy engineers.
None shall stand against us - Kill 500 enemy soldiers.
Oooh that was close - Save your powercore from 5% integrity.
Putting the boot in - Kill and enemy unit with a proximity mine.
Pyromanaiac - Cause 500 secondary explosions.
Recession? What recession - Loot 10 resource cache crates.
Resistance is futile - Kill 250 enemy heavies.
Splenking - Reach the bottom level of the world.
Terraforming - Plant 10 biomass seeding trees.
They Should Be Wearing Red Shirts - Kill 50 enemy soldiers.
They're not so tough... - Kill 25 enemy Heavies.
Unexpected bonus - Loot 50 weapons.
War Crimes - Plant 20 proximity mines.
Watch your step - Trigger an alarm in an enemy base.
What's all this then? - Find 5 loot crates in enemy bases.

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