Independence War 2: The Edge of Chaos Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Independence War 2: The Edge of Chaos cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Independence War 2: The Edge of Chaos Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005

NOTE: There are 1 more download(s) available for our registered users. Log in or register now to access them!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
First open the flux.ini file in the main dir with notepad and change developer_mode = 0 to developer_mode = 1. Then go to the /configs folder and add these lines to the default.ini file - under the cheat key section (down at the bottom):

Keyboard, I, CTRL, ALT

Keyboard, X, CTRL, ALT

Keyboard, G, CTRL, ALT

Keyboard, K, CTRL, ALT

Hit the corresponding 3 keys to do what it says.

Note From Game Developer: The cheat key bindings were designed for developer use, and improper use can break the scripted content, causing problems with the game. Specifically the cheats can be used to destroy objects in the game that are indestructible, which could cause missions to break.
Another Set of Cheats for This Game
Some Useful Cheats
Replace the text in /iwar2/configs/default.ini with this text and review the changes for the actual Keys...

; $Header: /iwar2/configs/default.ini 69 08/07/01 00:00 BRIT $


; I-War II developer mode commands

Keyboard, G, SHIFT

Keyboard, M, CTRL, ALT

Keyboard, F1, CTRL

Keyboard, D, CTRL, ALT

Keyboard, Z, CTRL, ALT

Keyboard, L, CTRL, ALT

Keyboard, S, CTRL, ALT

Keyboard, T, CTRL, ALT

Keyboard, P, CTRL, ALT

Keyboard, B, CTRL, ALT

Keyboard, R, CTRL, ALT

Keyboard, A, CTRL, ALT

Keyboard, Tab, CTRL, ALT

Keyboard, I, CTRL, ALT

Keyboard, X, CTRL, ALT

Keyboard, G, CTRL, ALT

Keyboard, K, CTRL, ALT

Keyboard, Home, SHIFT

Keyboard, PageDown, SHIFT

Keyboard, PageUp, SHIFT

Keyboard, End, SHIFT

Keyboard, F12

; I-War II shell commands

Keyboard, Q, CTRL, ALT

Keyboard, Q, SHIFT

Keyboard, Pause
Keyboard, P

Keyboard, Escape

Keyboard, Escape

Keyboard, Left
Joystick1, JoyPov1Left

Keyboard, Up
Joystick1, JoyPov1Up

Keyboard, Right
Joystick1, JoyPov1Right

Keyboard, Down
Joystick1, JoyPov1Down

Keyboard, Escape
Joystick1, JoyButton2
Mouse, MouseButton2

Keyboard, Return
Keyboard, NumPadReturn
Joystick1, JoyButton1

Keyboard, Backspace

; I-War II in-flight commands

; Yoke

Joystick1, JoyXAxis

Joystick1, JoyYAxis, inverse

Joystick1, JoyRZAxis

Joystick1, Joybutton2

; Throttle

Joystick1, JoyZAxis, inverse
Joystick1, JoyUAxis, inverse

Keyboard, Equals
Keyboard, Minus, inverse

; Thrusters

Keyboard, D
Keyboard, A, inverse
Joystick1, JoyXAxis, ALT

Joystick1, JoyYAxis, ALT

Keyboard, W
Keyboard, S, inverse
Joystick1, Joybutton7
Joystick1, Joybutton8, inverse

; Fly-by-wire modes

Keyboard, LeftControl

Keyboard, N

; Fire control

Joystick1, JoyButton1
Keyboard, Space

Keyboard, I

Keyboard, X

Keyboard, Z

Keyboard, F

; LDS drive

Keyboard, L

; Docking

Keyboard, U

; Targetting

Keyboard, Comma
Joystick1, JoyButton6
Joystick1, JoyButton3, SHIFT

Keyboard, Dot
Joystick1, JoyButton5
Joystick1, JoyButton4, SHIFT

Keyboard, Home

Keyboard, End

Keyboard, R

Keyboard, T
Joystick1, JoyButton2

Keyboard, Q

Keyboard, Y

Keyboard, E

Keyboard, C

; Weapon cycling

Keyboard, RightBracket

Keyboard, Return
Joystick1, JoyButton4

Keyboard, Backspace
Joystick1, JoyButton3

; Engineering

Keyboard, Left, SHIFT

Keyboard, Right, SHIFT

Keyboard, Down, SHIFT

Keyboard, Up, SHIFT

; Autopilots

Keyboard, F5

Keyboard, F6

Keyboard, F7

Keyboard, F8

Keyboard, F9

Keyboard, R, SHIFT

; Camera selection

Keyboard, F1

Keyboard, F2

Keyboard, F3

Keyboard, F4

Keyboard, F11

; Camera control

Keyboard, NumPad6
Keyboard, NumPad4, inverse

Keyboard, NumPad8
Keyboard, NumPad2, inverse

Keyboard, NumPad7
Keyboard, NumPad9, inverse

Keyboard, NumPadPlus, inverse
Keyboard, NumPadMinus

Mouse, MouseButton3
Keyboard, NumPadStar

Mouse, MouseXAxis, inverse

Mouse, MouseYAxis

Mouse, MouseZAxis, inverse

Mouse, MouseButton2

Mouse, MouseButton1

Keyboard, Space

; Game controls

Keyboard, Pause
Keyboard, P

Keyboard, Space
Keyboard, Escape
Keyboard, Return

; PDA control

; iWar2 HUD commands

Keyboard, Left
Joystick1, JoyPOV1Left

Keyboard, Right
Joystick1, JoyPOV1Right

Keyboard, Up
Joystick1, JoyPOV1Up

Keyboard, Down
Joystick1, JoyPOV1Down

Keyboard, Return
Joystick1, JoyButton1

Keyboard, Backspace
Joystick1, JoyButton2

Keyboard, O, SHIFT

Keyboard, M, SHIFT

Keyboard, L, SHIFT

Keyboard, E, SHIFT

Keyboard, S, SHIFT

; iWar2 comms commands

Keyboard, Up
Joystick1, JoyPOV1Up

Keyboard, Down
Joystick1, JoyPOV1Down

Keyboard, Space
Keyboard, Return
Joystick1, JoyButton1

Keyboard, Delete

; Generic Flux input commands.

Mouse, MouseAbsXAxis

Mouse, MouseAbsYAxis

Mouse, MouseZAxis

Mouse, MouseButton1

Mouse, MouseButton2

Mouse, MouseButton2

; Script Bindings ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Keyboard, J

; Cutscene accessor

Keyboard, Space

; Wingmen Commands

Keyboard, 1

Keyboard, 2

Keyboard, 3

Keyboard, 4

Keyboard, 5

Keyboard, 6

; T-Fighter Commands

Keyboard, 0

Keyboard, 7

Keyboard, 8

Keyboard, 9

; Demo Commands

Keyboard, PageUp

Keyboard, PageDown

; Multiplayer Commands

Keyboard, Tab

Keyboard, Backquote

Keyboard, Backquote, SHIFT

Keyboard, 1, SHIFT

Keyboard, 2, SHIFT

Keyboard, 3, SHIFT

Keyboard, 4, SHIFT


; AI Test Suit Commands

Keyboard, O, ALT

Keyboard, P, ALT


; csvchecker commands
Keyboard, F, SHIFT


; Cheat keys

Keyboard, J, SHIFT

Keyboard, J, ALT

; EOF ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

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