Happy Pong Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Happy Pong cheats and stay cool!
Achievements (Steam)
Ballzooka Master - Attain a high score that exceeds 20,000,000,000 points in "Ballzooka" mode.
Basic Happy Pong - Finish a game of Happy Pong with no customization effects turned on.
Classic Pong Master - Attain a high score that exceeds 20,000,000,000 points in "Classic Pong" mode.
Combo King - Reach a Happy Face combo of 120.
Crazy Happy Pong - Finish a game of Happy Pong with all customization effects turned on.
Credits DevBlaster Master - Attain a high score that exceeds 5,000,000,000 points in "Credits DevBlaster" mode.
Done and Over With - Complete the tutorial.
High Roller - Attain a lifetime score of 500,000,000,000 or more points.
Illegible - Attain maximum menu illegibility.
Insane Happy Pong - Start a game with the wondrous x60 base multiplier.
Level Up - Reach level 30.
Mega Multiplier - Attain a multiplier of 500 or more.
Post-Apocalypse - Survive the invasion.
Rectangles - Change the shape of the screen.
Super Fan - Begin 10 games of Happy Pong.
Surprise - (no description).
Ultra Fan - Begin 100 games of Happy Pong.
Weaponizer Extreme Master - Attain a high score that exceeds 20,000,000,000 points in "Weaponizer Extreme" mode.
XBLIG Happy Pong - Finish a game of Happy Pong with only the Original customization effect turned on.

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