Half-Life 2: Episode Two Cheats - PC
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Downloadable Half-Life 2: Episode Two Cheats
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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
impulse 101 - All guns, extra ammo.
impulse 200 - Removes the weapon model from the screen.
mat_normalmaps 1 - Draw normal maps.
mat_normals 1 - Draw surface materials.
notarget - Enemies can't see you.
npc_kill - Kills all npc's in the area.
vcollide_wireframe 1 - Only objects effected by physics are wireframe.
showtriggers_toggle - Draw game triggers.
ch_createjeep - Spawn a scout car.
impulse 83 - Spawn an airboat.
ch_createairboat - Spawn an airboat.
god - Toggle god mode on/off
noclip - Toggle moving through walls and flying on/off.
mat_fastnobump 0 - Turn off bump mapping.
mat_fastnobump 1 - Turn on bump mapping.
mat_wireframe1 - Wire frame models.
Spawning NPCs
Access the console, type in the following codes:
npc_create npc_<name>
where name is one of these:
alyx - Spawns Alyx
monk - Spawns Father Gregori
gman - Spawns Gman
kleiner - Spawns Kleiner
barnacle - Spawns a barnacle
turret_ceiling - Spawns a Ceiling Turret
citizen - Spawns a City 17 Citizen
combine_s - Spawns a Combine Soldier
crabsynth - Spawns a Crab Synth
crow - Spawns a Crow
combinedropship - Spawns a Combine Dropship
helicopter - Spawns a Combine Helicopter
vortigaunt - Spawns a Vortigaunt
zombie_torso - Spawns a Zombie without legs
zombie - Spawns a Zombie
zombine - Spawns a Zombine (Combine Zombie)
cscanner - Spawns a Combine Scanner
headcrab_fast - Spawns a Fast Headcrab
fastzombie - Spawns a Fast Zombie
turret_floor - Spawns a Floor Turret
launcher - Spawns a Headcrab Launcher
headcrab - Spawns a Headcrab
ichthyosaur - Spawns a Ichthyosaur
metropolice - Spawns a Combine Metrocop
strider - Spawns a Strider
manhack - Spawns a Manhack
mortarsynth - Spawns a Mortar Synth
poisonzombie - Spawns a Poison Zombie
rollermine - Spawns a Rollermine
seagull - Spawns a Seagull
stalker - Spawns a Stalker
antlionguard - Spawns an Antlion Guard
antlion - Spawns an Antlion
barney - Spawns Barney
pigeon - Spawns a Pigeon
headcrab_poison - Spawns a Poison Headcrab
headcrab_black - Spawns a Poison Headcrab
breen - Spawns Breen
combinegunship - Spawns Combine Gunship
dog - Spawns Dog
eli - Spawns Eli
mossman - Spawns Mossman
Binding Cheats to Keys
Display the console window and type sv_cheats 1 to enable cheat mode. Then, type bind followed by a space and the key you wish to bind the code to. Finally, type another space followed by the code. For example, enter bind f12 notarget or bind p ai_disable.
Some codes cannot be bound to a key. To bind them, you must edit your config file. Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Go to your game directory. Open the "hl2" folder, then the "cfg" folder. Open the config_default file in a text editor. This will be used as a template. Using the same structure, enter the bindings in the following example (the last line is the new entry).
bind "PAUSE" "pause"
bind "z" "+zoom"
bind "g" "phys_swap"
bind "F12" "sk_max_crossbow 999"
To do this, type bind "F12" press [Tab] three times, and add the cheat command in quotes. After doing this, select all the text under "unbindall" and copy it. Save and close the file. Then, go back to the game directory. Open the "ep2" folder then the "cfg" folder. Open the file "config" in a text editor. You can edit this file directly but you must be able to add the symbols where needed. Paste the previously copied text under the already existing text and save the file. Start the game. Display the console window and type sv_cheats 1 to enable cheat mode. Close the console and press your bound key and it should have activated its defined code.
Using Cheats and Unlocking Achievements
You normally cannot use cheats and unlock achievements. You can use the following key bind commands at the console window to get around this. For God mode, enter the Bind' <key> '"sv_cheats 1; wait; god; wait; wait; wait; sv_cheats 0" console command. For all weapons, enter the Bind' <key> '"sv_cheats 1; wait; impulse 101; wait; wait; wait; sv_cheats 0" console command.
Start a game, type sv_cheats 1, enable the god and impulse 101code. Use the sk_max code followed by givecurrentammo for lots of ammunition (for example, sk_max_pistol 999). By doing this you do not have to worry about running out. After this is done, save the game and exit the game completely. Restart the game. Load the game you just saved and continue play. You will be a one-man army, invincible and equipped with ammo, and achievements will be unlocked during game play. Note: You may need to enable the givecurrentammo code for each weapon to have the quantity you specified in the sk_max_<weapon> <number> code.
Hidden Pumpkins
Set the system date to October 31. After you are ambushed by Hunters and Combine at a big house, drive along the road. Near where the supply cache is found you will see an old truck. Go up to it. There will be lots of pumpkins lying on the ground.
Lost Reference
When you enter the White Forest base, you meet a Vortigaunt in a lab coat named Uriah. When you first enter the room where you meet Uriah, there is a gas tank against the back wall. Behind that tank is a small room with a computer that has a sequence of numbers on it. This is a reference to the show Lost that Gabe Newell added due to the fact that he and the creator of Lost were close friends.
Half-Life Reference
Just inside the room where you watch the video from Judith, look next to the door to see a caged area with boxes. Destroy or remove the boxes in order to find a cover for a HEV charging station, just like in the original Half-Life.
Achievements (Steam)
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement:
Acid Reflex - Kill an acid Antlion worker.
Bone Breaker - Kill 30 enemies with thrown physics objects.
Cache Checker - Find every radar cache in chapter Under the Radar.
Deadly Harvest - Kill an enemy by planting a hopper mine.
Defense of the Armament - Save the missile silo from the Combine offensive.
Get Some Grub - Squish every Antlion grub in Episode Two.
Gordon Propelled Rocket - Unlock the rocket launcher lambda cache in chapter Under the Radar.
Grave Robber - Steal a Zombine's grenade.
Gunishment! - Destroy the Combine cannon in the junkyard.
Hit and Run - Run over 20 enemies with the car in Episode Two.
Hot Potat0wned - Kill a Combine soldier with his own grenade.
Into the Breach - Help Griggs and Sheckley hold off the antlion invasion inside the mine shaft.
Little Rocket Man - Send the garden gnome into space.
Meet the Hunters - Survive the Hunter ambush with Alyx.
Neighborhood Watch - Save all buildings outside the missile silo from destruction.
Payback - Kill a Hunter with its own flechettes.
Pedal to the Metal - Beat DOG in a race to the White Forest base.
Piñata Party - Find and break every web cache in Episode Two.
Puttin' on a Clinic - Defeat the chopper in Episode Two without any misses.
Quiet Mountain Getaway - Survive the ambush at White Forest Inn.
Secondary Silo Secured - Secure the launch doors on missile silo 2.
Twofer - Defeat both Antlion guards outside the White Forest.