Gundemonium Recollection Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC | PlayStation 3
Check out these Gundemonium Recollection cheats and stay cool!
Achievements (Steam)
Achernar - Obtain 1,000 gems in one Area.
Acrux - Destroy all parts of Volcannon.
Aldebaran - Defeat 16 Cyclones in one game.
Altair - Defeat Phaser after letting it kill you twice.
Andromeda - Clear the game as Eryth.
Canopus - Finish the game on Revised difficulty.
Capella - Complete demonic challenge mode.
Dumbbell - Perform 10 Demonic Shifts in one game.
Fomalhaut - Destroy 7 cross pieces of Aenea.
Antares - Finish the game on Novice difficulty.
Arcturus - Finish the game on Unlimited difficulty.
Arided - Defeat Slayer while only destroying the main body.
Betelgeuse - Defeat Elixirel Daath. Matrix Orders mode does not count.
Mimosa - Obtain an extra life at the instant you lose your last life.
Pleiades - Unlock mission mode.
Pollux - Allow Lumiere to destroy 6 of your bombs.
Praesepe - Obtain 15,000,000 Points in one game.
Hadar - Perform 4 Friction Breaks in one game.
Horsehead - Perform 100 Onslaughts in one game.
Kentaurus - Finish the game on Demonic difficulty.
Leaf64 - Defeat 64 Leaf People in one game.
Magellanic - Defeat Elixirel without being hit.
Procyon - Reach Zone X in Ain Soph Aur Mode.
Regulus - Perform 10 Counter Bombs in one game. Auto-Counters do not count.
Rigel - Complete matrix orders mode.
Rosette - Clear the game as all 64 Earl types.
Sirius - Defeat Endymion while Demonic Shift is active.
Solaris - Complete all 32 Play Orders.
Sombrero - Obtain 4 life items.
Spica - Defeat Ereshkigal and Irkalla without using bombs.
Trapezium - Perform a 1,000-Hit Combo in one Area.
Vega - Defeat Elixirel Kaether through Time Up.

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