Gruntz Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Gruntz cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Gruntz Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Press [Enter] during game play, type one of the following codes, then press [Enter] again to activate it.

mpstepitup - Level Skip
mpstepitdown - Previous Level
mpriorio - Questz Level 3
mplemonbuttercremez - Questz Level 4
mpyouresomoney - Questz Level 5
mpmakemesomepie - Questz Level 6
mpgolfandgamez - Questz Level 7
mpusetheforce - Questz Level 8
mpkamikaze - Bombz
mpremotecontrol - Boomerang
mphomeimprovement - Brick Layin Toolz
mpungabunga - Clubz
mpletsblowstuffup - Explosionz
mpbrassknucklez - Gauntletz
mppunchout - Glovez
mprealmendontusestrawz - Gooberz
mphitopz - Gravity
mphardhatmack - Gunhatz
mprockon - Rockz
mpfirepower - Sponge Gunz
mptrojan - Shield
mpfuninthebarn - Shovelz
mpxfilez - Spyz
mparrrrrr - Swordz
mpplastiquezt - Timebombz
mpquackage - Toobz
mpcopperfield - Wandz
mpvasflam - Welderz
mpfearofflying - Wingz
mpgerber - Babywalkerz
mptheball - Beachballz
mpwheeliez - Big Wheelz
mpmalibugrandprix - Gokartz
mpultimatecheeseburger - Jack in the Box
mpgetinshape - Jumprope
mpboingee - Pogostickz
mpmagicpaper - Scrollz
mpkinetic - Springz
mpmousey - Squeaktoyz
mplametoy - Yoyoz
mpfaoschwartz - Toyz
mpindianajonez - Ballz
mptimer - Timer
mpblackbrick - Bomb Stone
mpgodlbrick - Unbreakable Stone
mpredbrick - Gauntlet Breaker Brick
mpbluebrick - Teleport Stone
mpohmygodtheykilledkenny - Deathtouch
mpcloakingdevice - Ghost Mode
mphighlander - Invincibility
mpbillgatez - Kill Gruntz
mpcreatine - Roidz
mpmeepmeep - Current Gruntz is Faster
mppicasso - Change Colors
mpseizure - Earthquake
mplightzout - Turn Off Light Briefly
mpclostrophobia - Mini Camera
mptacobell - Health
mpback2life - Rebirth
mpelephantpork - Teleport
mpilovethisgame - Grunt Creation Enabled
mpihatethisgame - Grunt Destruction Enabled
mptraitor - Traitor Mode
mpcheatcheatcheat - Programmer Jokes

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