Global Operations Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Global Operations cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Global Operations Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005

NOTE: There are 2 more download(s) available for our registered users. Log in or register now to access them!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Single-Player Cheat
To get free money, press [F4] whilst in the buy screen.

Play as Terrorists (offline)
To unlocked Campaign 2 (terrorists), simply beat all 13 Campaign 1 missions, on any difficulty setting. Hit the ''Next'' button on the mission select screen to get to Campaign 2.

Change Number of Bots in Single Player
In the Crave\GlobalOperations\GlobalOps\attributes folder, there is a file called "singleplayer". If any of the levels are giving you a really hard time, you can edit this text file. The file is in plain english and is where the number of bots is picked from. Most levels have 1 of each type of player: medic, commando etc. You will see a name of the character followed by a 1 or 0 (0 being "good guy" and 1 being "bad guy"). In the first round of play, you are a good guy -- in the "next" round of play -- your a bad guy. Modify this file as desired and save. Always make a backup before overwriting the file.
Earning Money in Chechnya
In this cheat, you must become a medic. You also must e a counter or you will be shot quickly. First, near the counter's loading area, there is a place call The House. There is a fireplace inside that house. Call one of your members to cover you. When you bring your member into the house, shove him near the fireplace. And his life will drop very fast. Take out your med-kit before you do this. Then when his life drop to maybe 8%, heal him by pressing the left mouse button. Do not let him die. You will see your money increasing.

Unlock Campaign 2
To unlock the second campaign (in which you get to play as a terrorist), beat the game on any difficulty setting. On the mission select screen, select "Next" in order to get to Campaign 2.

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