Global Domination Cheats - PC
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Type these codes in the game:
aaawwww - Fill Silos with Missiles
dad**** - All Silos Launch
dddww** - Split in Flight
daww**a - Produce All Resources
*wwaaadada - Smart Bomb
w*aad - Super Fighters
wddd*aa - AI Teammate
ddwwwwaad - View Enemy Resources
***waaaa - Lens Flare
'*' = Press Shift
Another Set of Cheats for This Game
Change number of Bots in Single Player
In the Crave\GlobalOperations\GlobalOps folder, there is a file called "singleplayer". If any of the levels are giving you a really hard time, you can edit this text file. The file is in plain english and is where the number of bots is picked from. Most levels have 1 of each type of player: medic, commando etc. You will see a name of the character followed by a 1 or 0 (0 being "good guy" and 1 being "bad guy").
In the first round of play, you are a good guy -- in the "next" round of play -- your a bad guy. Modify this file as desired and save. Always make a backup before overwriting the file.