Fist of Awesome Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Fist of Awesome cheats and stay cool!
Achievements (Steam)
88 MPH - Complete Time Train.
A Link To The Past - Complete Human Zoo.
Can't Stop Me Now - Stay alive for 4 minutes in Arena Mode.
Castle Crasher - Complete Castle.
Easy Does It - Complete story mode on Easy difficulty.
Final Fight - Complete the last stage.
First Blood - Slay your first enemy.
Gay Pride - Select the lumberdude as Tim's fiancee.
Hard Labour - Complete story mode on Harder difficulty.
Have a Chocolate - Watch to the end of the credits.
I Will Survive - Stay alive for 3 minutes in Arena Mode.
It Begins - Complete Tutorial / Woodland.
King Brawler - Take out 10,000 belligerent bears.
Lair Of The Cave Bear - Complete Musty Cave.
Let's Do The Twist - Reach the fake ending.
Max Bartholomew - Max out Bartholomew's abilities.
Max Brian - Max out Brian's abilities.
Max Brian Bear - Max out Brian Bear's abilities.
Max Candy - Max out Candy's abilities.
Max Cave Bear - Max out Cave Bear's abilities.
Max Clive - Max out Clive's abilities.
Max Cochise - Max out Cochise's abilities.
Max Desire - Max out Desire's abilities.
Max Frederick - Max out Frederick's abilities.
Max Jimbo - Max out Jimbo's abilities.
Max King Bear - Max out King Bear's abilities.
Max Lumberbear - Max out Lumberbear's abilities.
Max Rembrandt - Max out Rembrandt's abilities.
Max Rodrigo - Max out Rodrigo's abilities.
Max Santa - Max out Santa's abilities.
Max Scratchy - Max out Scratchy's abilities.
Max Tim Burr - Max out Tim Burr's abilities.
Max Tommy - Max out Tommy's abilities.
Max Trevor - Max out Trevor's abilities.
Max Will - Max out Will's abilities.
Maximum Carnage - Reach maximum level for all characters.
Never Back Down - Die and restart 10 times in story mode.
Pause Master - Pause and resume the game.
Pit-Fighter - Play 25 games in Arena Mode.
Pretty Good Brawler - Take out 5,000 belligerent bears.
Punisher - Play 250 games in Arena Mode.
Renegade - Play 50 games in Arena Mode.
Road To Hell - Complete The King's Road.
Rookie Brawler - Take out 100 belligerent bears.
So-so Brawler - Take out 1,000 belligerent bears.
Staying Alive - Stay alive for 2 minutes in Arena Mode.
Still Alive - Stay alive for 1 minute in Arena Mode.
Straight As An Arrow - Select the lumbergirl as Tim's fiancee.
Streets Of Bears - Complete Bearhattan.
Survival of the Fittest - Stay alive for 5 minutes in Arena Mode.
The Equalizer - Play 500 games in Arena Mode.
The New Normal - Complete story mode on Hard difficulty.
They're Flocking This Way - Complete Volcanic Plains.
Unstoppable - Complete game without using a continue.
Vendetta - Play 100 games in Arena Mode.
Worser and Worser - Complete Forbidden Zone.
You Can't Touch This - Complete Hammertime Station.

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