Final Doom Cheats - PC

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Check out these Final Doom cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Final Doom Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Primary Collection of Cheats
View network opponent location
Hold [Alt] and type "iddtiddtiddtiddt" at the map screen.

Cheat mode
Enter one of the following codes during game play to activate the corresponding cheat function.

All weapons, keys, ammo, and 200% armoridkfa
All weapons, ammoidfa
Berserker strengthidbeholds
Temporary invincibilityidbeholdv
Temporary invisibilityidbeholdi
Full automapidbeholda
Anti-radiation suitidbeholdr
Light amplification visoridbeholdl
Walk through wallsidclip
Level selectidclev<episode number><map number>
Toggle full map; full map and objects; normal mapiddt
Display coordinates and headingidmypos
Change music to indicated levelidmus<level number>
Former Soldiers: They resemble your old friends, but now they just fire pistols at you. They drop clips for the chaingun and pistol when killed.

Former Sergeants: Meaner and tougher. They carry shotguns and do more damage then soldiers. They drop shotguns when killed.

Imp: This creature throws fireballs and takes more bullets to kill.

Demon: Appear in most areas and can rip your head off if you are not careful. If you see more of them, use the chaingun.

Cacodemon: These creatures are ugly and have one big mouth. If they see you, they will fire lightning balls from their mouth. Use your rockets.

Mancubus: You have to use more then a chaingun to kill them. Use ammo with caution.

Arachnotron: Fires plasma energy at you. Use your rifle.

Spider Demon: The ultimate enemy. Has a super chaingun mounted on her body. Use your plasma rifle or rocket launcher.

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