Fat Chicken Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Fat Chicken cheats and stay cool!
Achievements (Steam)
Abduction Prevention - Lose zero Cows to UFOs in a playthrough of the second Roswell mission.
Against All Odds... - Complete Rome, NY #1 without using a Farm Hero.
Alien Destroyer - Bring down 100 Alien Spacecraft over the course of your Factory Farming career.
Big Money! - Earn over 50,000 MurderBux over the course of your Factory Farming career.
Bright Upstart - Get 3 Stars on both Modesto, CA levels.
City Hopper - Visit every city across the country.
Darn Hippies! - Use Security Guards to Run off 100 Protesters over the course of your Factory Farming career.
Drag-Tastic! - Use your Draggers to take in 500 animals over the course of your Factory Farming career.
Drone Terminator - Take down 100 Protest Drones over the course of your Factory Farming career.
Farm Expert - Purchase 75% of all Farm Upgrades.
Farm Novice - Purchase 25% of all Farm Upgrades.
Farm Pro - Purchase 50% of the Farm Upgrades.
Healthy Hen Organic Meats FTW! - Complete the final level in the game.
HR Director - Hire and Upgrade Hired Hands over 2,500 times over the course of your Factory Farming Career.
Mall Cop with a Shotgun - Fully Upgrade a Security Guard to Level 3.
Master Builder - Build over 1,000 Towers over the course of your Factory Farming Career.
Master Upgrader - Upgrade Towers over 5,000 times over the course of your Factory Farming Career.
Rollin' in the Bux - Earn over 20,000 MurderBux over the course of your Factory Farming career.
Scrooge McDucking! - Earn over 100,000 MurderBux over the course of your Factory Farming career.
World Class Factory Farmer - Earn 3 stars in every mission across the country.

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