Evil Genius Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Evil Genius cheats and stay cool!
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Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Press [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Alt]+D during game play to enable debug mode. Then then press [~] to display the console window and enter one of the following CASE SENSITIVE codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Help - Display help
Help <command> - Display help for a specific command
ShowCommands - List commands
DF_BuildInstantObjects - Instant construction
DF_FullyTrainedHenchmen - Fully trained henchmen on startup
CutScenes_Enable - Enable cut scenes
Give <object ID> - Give object
GiveAll - Get everything
Money <number> - Get indicated amount of money
Add <number of characters> <character code> - Spawn characters at the cursor location (see the list below)
RemoveMoney - Less money for you
SetMaxPopulation - Set minion population
TakeAll - Take away everything
SuperAgentSetDefeatable <on|off> - Sets the Defeatable status of the current super agent
UnlockGlossary - Unlock the glossary

Character codes: 100 (Worker), 101 (Marksman), (102) Valet, (103) Technician, (104) Guard, (105) Biochemist, (106) Scientist, (107) Spin Doctor, (108) Mercenary, (109) Diplomat, (110) Playboy, (111) Martial Artist, (112) Quantum Phys.

NOTE: If you're having problems activating the debug mode, download the cheats enabler listed above and follow the instructions in the included info file.

Another method
Type "humanzee" during game play to enable cheat mode. A "Mission successful" message will appear to confirm correct code entry. Once enabled, you have to restart the game to turn off cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

[Ctrl]+S - Set off explosion/airstirke
[Ctrl]+C - Add $100,000
[Ctrl]+A - Add one of every henchman and minion
[Ctrl]+O - All items
[Ctrl]+M - Toggle Global Chaos
[Ctrl]+N - Toggle Global Chaos
[Ctrl]+T - All traps
Easy money
Early in the game, if you do not interrogate the maid, the agents of good will not stop you at all. For example, if you did not torture the maid and put 30 workers on the Asian subcontinent, you will make $15,000 every minute, and not call the attention of the good guys.

Defeating Dirk Masters
Dirk Masters is difficult to kill. Do not keep him in your jail cell, because in a short period of time he will escape and set explosives all over the room. Keep him outside of your base at all cost. Dirk can be defeated by infiltrating his gym. He always works out at the Mid-Coast. You are only able to do this when you are allowed to do (by the optional objectives). Keep him outside as long as you can and he will return to HQ if he cannot get in. Note: It is possible to win the game without defeating John Steele, the last super agent.

Defeating Jet Chan
Challenge him in a "fair" match in a dojo. You will poison his refreshments before the fight, and thus win. Since he is never defeated (fairly), he will "lose face" and quit A.N.V.I.L, hide somewhere, and leave you alone.

Defeating Katherine
After a period of time defeating Jet Chan, Katherine can be defeated by stealing her cute teddy bear (Mr. Snuggles) whom she always cares about. The teddy bear can be found in Siberia where she came from.

Defeating Mariana Mamba
Capture then interrogate her with an Examination Chair (build an Infirmary when you can and put an Examination Chair in it). She will grow fat and be defeated.

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