Europa Universalis 3 Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Europa Universalis 3 cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Press [~] or [Alt]+21 on Numpad while playing to access the console. You can use the following codes case sensitive codes:

die native - Natives are now attacking
pirate - Pirates now roam
cash - Now we have cash!
stability - Stability for the people!
prestige - Glory to us!
spy - Spies added!
diplomat - Diplomats added!
missionary - Missionaries added!
merchant - Merchants added!
colonist - Colonists added!
fow on - Fog Of War turned on
fow off - Fog Of War turned off
discover <Province ID> - Province discovered
undiscover <Province ID> - Province undiscovered
revolt <Province ID> - Start revolt
invest <tech> <amount of cash> - Invest # cash in desired tech (see below)
event <event id> - Create an event (see below)
fullscreen - Window mode on/off
morehumans - Unknown

Tech List:

Events List:
1054 - Become an Elector
5057 - Build Fortification
1004 - English nation can be formed
5025 - Excellent diplomacy
5096 - Foreign bribe offered
1007 - Germany can be formed
1075 - Invest in Army
1076 - Invest in Navy
1010 - Ireland can be formed
1006 - Italy can be formed
1091 - Join Hanseatic league
1051 - Join Holy Roman Empire
1052 - Leave Holy Roman Empire
4011 - Military reform
1002 - Netherlands can be formed
5073 - New land Claimed
2004 - Prov. goes Catholic to Protestant
5022 - Rush of Colonists (3)
1001 - Russian Nation can be formed
1003 - Spanish nation can be formed
1063 - Treasury empty (can be good!)

NOTE: Given event numbers can be found in ...\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis III\Events folder.

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