Disgaea 2 PC Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Disgaea 2 PC cheats and stay cool!
Achievements (Steam)
1,000 Kills! - Killed 1,000 enemies!
1,000,000 Damage! - Dealt 1,000,000 damage!
10,000,000 Damage! - Dealt 10,000,000 damage!
100 Kills! - Killed 100 enemies!
100,000 Damage! - Dealt 100,000 damage!
100,000,000 Damage! - Dealt 100,000,000 damage!
Advanced Grinder - Obtained Total LV 5,000.
Axel Ending - Saw the Axel ending (Get defeated by Axel at any point).
Beginner Grinder - Obtained LV 100!
Career Criminal - Obtained 99 felonies.
Crime Ending 1 - Saw the Bad ending 1 (Defeat the final boss with Adell possessing over 10 Felonies and at least 50 allied kills).
Crime Ending 2 - Saw the Bad ending 2 (Defeat the final boss with Adell possessing over 100 Felonies and at least 100 allied kills with one allied kill being Rozalin).
Dark World Dominator! - Cleared 100% of the Dark World stages.
Dark World Status: 20% Complete! - Cleared 20% of the Dark World stages.
Dark World Status: 50% Complete! - Cleared 50% of the Dark World stages.
Dark World Unlocked - Unlocked the Dark World.
Defeated Asagi - Defeated the Extra Boss Asagi.
Defeated Baal - Defeated the Extra Boss Baal.
Defeated Flonne - Defeated the Extra Boss Flonne.
Defeated Item God! - Defeated the Extra Boss Item God.
Defeated Kurtis - Defeated the Extra Boss Kurtis.
Defeated Laharl - Defeated the Extra Boss Laharl.
Defeated Marjoly - Defeated the Extra Boss Marjoly.
Defeated Mid-Boss - Defeated the Extra Boss Mid-Boss.
Defeated Priere - Defeated the Extra Boss Priere.
Defeated Pringer X Go - Defeated the Extra Boss Pringer X Go.
Defeated Prism Ranger - Defeated the Extra Boss Prism Ranger.
Defeated Protype Kurtis - Defeated the Extra Boss Protype Kurtis.
Defeated Zetta - Defeated the Extra Boss Zetta.
Earned a Bonus! - Earned 10,000,000 HL from a single battle.
Etna Ending - Saw the Etna ending (Defeated Etna in Ch. 3).
Evil Academy Graduate - Cleared Extra Stage Evil Academy Special Class!
EX Complete!!! - Defeated all EX bosses!
First Magichange - Performed your first Magichange.
First Reincarnation - Performed your first reincarnation.
First Trial - Attended your first trial in the Item World.
I'm Rich! - Obtained 1,000,000 HL!
Intermediate Grinder - Obtained LV 1,000!
Laharl Ending - Saw the Laharl ending (Defeated Laharl in Ch. 11).
Magic Master - Performed your first Peta spell.
Magichange Master - Unleashed Magichange 2.
Master Grinder - Obtained LV 9,999!
Pirate Hunter - Defeated your first pirate in the Item World.
Proficient Grinder - Obtained Total LV 10,000.
Reincarnation Master - Reincarnated 10 times.
Spelunker of Ordeals! - Cleared Extra Stages Cave of Ordeals.
The Dark Hero! - Completed Ch. 4 of Axel's Story The Dark Hero!
The Evil Rangers - Completed Ch. 1 of Axel's Story The Evil Rangers.
The Overlord's Daughter - Completed Ch. 1 The Overlord's Daughter.
The Promise - Completed Ch. 5 The Promise.
The Truth - Completed Final Chapter The Truth.
The Two Ninjas - Completed Ch. 10 The Two Ninjas.
Tink Ending - Saw the Tink ending (Defeat the final boss with LV 1,000 or higher Tink).
Welcome to the Land of Carnage! - Entered the Land of Carnage for the first time.
Yoshitsuna! - Obtained the Yoshitsuna!

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