Crimson Skies Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Crimson Skies cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Play Any Mission
In the campaign menu, right click on the microphone on the left side of the screen and type "idaho." A menu will appear in the top right of the screen that lets you access any of the mission.

Type "I AM THE ACE!!" at the Weapons Loadout Menu before each mission.

All Scrapbook Pictures
In the campaign main menu go to previous missions click the Rogue Pilots & Co. symbol on the bottom left then type "ispy".
Hex Cheats
Some Useful Cheats
First, open up the status.dat file that is in your Saved Games/<your Name> Folder. When you do, find the first letter of the plane you wish to edit.

To get 4 hardpoints on each side, offset the first letter of your plane by 48 down and type there '04 00 00 00 04'.

To get full armour, offset the first letter of your plane by 112 down. Then type 'FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF'

To get 8 70 Caliber machine guns, offset the first letter of your plane by 128 down. Then type '0F 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 04'

The following codes correspond to each machine gun:

00 30 Caliber
01 40 Caliber
02 50 Caliber
03 60 Caliber
04 70 Caliber

If, for some reason, you want other guns that aren't 70 Caliber, replace each '04' with the corresponding code for the gun you want.

Another hex cheat
Hexedit the status.dat file in the savegame folder. Find the name of the plane, then using the first character of the plane name as a reference, add 30 to the offset (e.g. 1130 ---> 1160). The following string is the number of hardpoints on the chosen airplane. Each value takes up four bytes.

03 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 means 3 hardpoints on the left wing, 1 on the right. Edit as you wish.

Then add 70 to the initial offset (1130 ---> 11A0). That's the armor level of the plane. E.g.

0A 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00

That means 10 armor on each slot. Change it all to FF to be invulnerable to just about anything but crashes.

Another method
Hex edit the status.dat file in the save game folder. Find the name of the plane which you are editing, then using the first character of the plane name as a reference point, add 80 to the offset.

You will need to change that resulting point to 0F to set your guns to a dual set. Then you can change the next series to the desired weapon as follows:

00 = .30 cal
01 = .40 cal
02 = .50 cal
03 = .60 cal
04 = .70 cal

0F 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00

This will result in (2) .70 cal; (2) .60 cal; (2) .50 cal; (2) .40 cal

Additionally, when purchasing/building your plane, use your weight limits for your engine. Use this hex edit and the hex edits (+30 offset) for hard points and (+70 offset) for the armor. Then re-sell your plane for twice what you aid for it.

Save your money and weight limits. Use the hardpoint; armor and gun edits after purchasing your plane with the best motor money can buy. Strip the armor, hard points and guns so you can have the top motor. Use the hex edits to make your lane the meanest in the sky or sell planes that have been maxed out with armor; hard points and guns for more then double what you paid for the plane.

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