Close Combat 3: The Russian Front Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Close Combat 3: The Russian Front cheats and stay cool!
Hex Cheats
Remaining Requisitions Points
1.Search and locate the player name in the savegame with hex editor
2.Locate 1 Line above the player name
3.Go to the 5th row which is contianing example 6600
4.Modify the field for example to AA09 6.
5.Save the savegame and load it with Close Combat 3
6.Then you will have a new requisitions points remaining amount of: 24056 instead of 102.

Another method
Start a game in either the German side or the Russian side, save it, then exit back to Windows. Find the save file in Microsoft Games directory and open it using any hex editor. Find offset 297A0 for the Russian side and change the 5th double column to read FF79 which will give you 30,000+ req. points. For the German side, find offset 308E0 and change the 3rd double column to read FF79. On either Russian or German side anything higher the FF79 will give you negative 32,000 req. points. You can also enter FF80 on the opposite side you are playing and they won't be able to get any teams. Which will in turn enable you to be promoted faster.
Super soldiers
There are two super soldiers in the game, one for the Germans and one for the Soviets. The are not available in campaign or create-a-scenario modes. When selecting a unit as a major in battle or operation, go to "Command" then select "Elite" to find them. Their names are Sgt. Steiner (German) and Private Ivan (Soviet). It is easy to get medals with these men, but do not abuse them as they can die. Their abilities include:
Super weapons: Their weapons are much stronger than the standard ones.
Nearly unlimited ammunition: 90000 rounds for their rifles and machine guns and 500 for the flamethrower.
Armor: Can withstand a lot more than a normal troop.
Speed: They run fast as a halftrack and shoot quickly.
Recovery: If they are stunned unconscious they recover in seconds.
Costs: Pvt. Ivan (105) and Sgt. Steiner (195)

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