Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: Sega Genesis | PC
Check out these Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Unlimited credits
Create a party with six characters. Trade the credits from the other five characters to one character (referred to as the bank character). The bank character should now have 6,000 credits. Save the game then quit. Start the game again, and load the recently saved file. Remove the bank character from your party. Save the game again and quit. Enter the "save" folder in the game directory. Locate the *.dat and *who files that correspond to the bank character. Copy both files and rename the original files to temp.dat and temp.who. Start the game and load the game that was last saved. Remove all characters except for one (referred to as the recipient character). Choose the option to add a character to the party. You should see two entries for your bank character. Select the one that is above the other, then select the option to begin adventuring. Transfer the 6,000 credits from your bank character to your recipient character. Save the game, then quit. Start the game again, then load the game that was most recently saved. Your party should only have your bank and recipient characters. Select the bank character and choose to purge him. Choose the option to add a character to your party. You should still see the copy of your bank character in your party. Select him and choose the option to begin adventuring. Repeat the step that transfers the credits from your bank character to your recipient. When you choose to purge the copy of your bank character, he will remain available to be used for as many credit transfers as desired.

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