Black and White Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Black and White cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Custom villager names
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "names.txt" file in the game folder. You can change the names contained in the file as desired, for example use friends or family. However, the number of names in the file must match the number listed in the first line.

Get any creature
Note: This procedure involves changing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Enter the "\lionhead studios ltd\black & white\data\ctr" folder. Find the file for creature that you have (for example, the cow has filename "") and the creature you want to have (for example, the horse has filename ""). Change their filename to each other (for example, "" becomes "" and vice versa) Note: You can also get the ogre, but his filename is "".
Dizzy evil conscience
Start the tutorial and wait for your conscience to stop talking. Repeatedly move your mouse in circles and your evil conscience's head will eventually start spinning.

Beach balls, bowling balls and bowling pins
Go to the God's Playground (press [F2] during game play) and exit out of the first tutorial by pressing [Esc]. Then zoom all the way out. Look for the small island off of the larger one. When you find it, zoom in on it. Rotate the camera so that you are looking at the small island and can see the large island in the distance. At the base of the small island you will see two beach balls, two bowling balls and some bowling pins with smiley faces on them.

Dice and a teddy bear
In land one (the first island), go above the cache (the location where many children live), and zoom in until you are "in" the house. You should see two big dice, a small die, and a big Teddy Bear.

On Gods' Playground, press [Esc], then move forward to the group of rocks next to a rock that resembles a pointing finger. Tap and break the large boulder to reveal a pair of dice.

Smiley face footprints
Set your system date to April 1 and being the game. Your character will leave smiley face footprints in the ground.

Teasing advisors
Wait without doing anything and the advisors will start making fun of each other.

Mad Hermit
Start the Hermit Challenge on level one, then destroy his house. He will start running to one of your villages and burn the village store.

South Park reference
Leave the game running without taking any actions. Eventually, you will hear the advisors in a spoof of South Park.

In the first land, kill all three sailors asking for wood and supplies. After killing one or two of them a caption will appear and one of them will say, "You killed Kenneth!"

Titanic reference
Watch as the ark leaves to see a scene based on Titanic.

Control logo
Move the mouse during Lionhead logo animation to scatter the particles. If you have a scroll wheel on your mouse, spin it to control the speed of the animation.

Toss trees into the village storage in the Playground Of The Gods.

Phone dialogue
On the first island, do the leash gesture, then motion up, right, down, right, up, right, down, right and up in straight lines with your hand. A red phone booth will appear on the north side of the island and allow you to hear a conversation between the game developers.

Unlimited Lightning Miracles
Take the Lightning Miracle and go the the edge of your influence. You can win whole towns by jumping out long enough for a brief shot and back in before it is used up.

Unlimited Water Miracles
Use the following trick to get unlimited Water Miracles on the first level. At the place where there is the first silver reward, scroll on land one. After completing it, knock over the rock again and it turns into a Water Miracle.

Unlimited Miracles
Use a miracle such as Wood or Food and take it out of your boundary. You will lose influence, but if you are casting the Miracle while doing this it will start again so you can use it forever without it running out. This works for anything that is not a one shot Miracle.

Unlimited food and wood
Activate a Food or Wood Miracle. Then hold the Hand over the door of the village store or workshop and quickly and repeatedly press the "Right Mouse Button." If done correctly, a large amount of food or wood will be created for very little mana.

Get wood faster
Start to create any type of building next to a large forest. While the building is being worked on, drag as many trees as you can over it to add to the wood pile for the construction site. When the building is completed, take the left over wood and deposit it in the village store.

Alter time
Hold [Alt] and press 1 to slow down time or hold [Alt] and press 2 to speed up time.

Easy miracles
You can teach your creature some miracles easily. Take either Food, Wood, Water, Lightning, Fireball, Teleport, or any other miracle you can use and use some/regrab it. Then put the rest back in the dish at the worship site. You will get the same amount of prayer power, so you can use it again.

Finding one-shot miracles
You can sometimes find one-shot miracles under trees and rocks.

When you see a firefly-like light at night, follow it until morning. They will hide under a rock, in a tree or something other object. Pick it up and you will get a one-shot miracle.

Spells for creature
When you teach your creature a skill such as Summon Food or Summon Wood, it will remember it, even in another game. Enter a skirmish file and play God. When you want your creature to learn a spell, send everyone to the worship site after adding a large number of food. Grab the spell. You will be able to make your creature learn the spell in less than three to four minutes. Water, Food, Wood, Forest, and Fireball spells can be learned this way. Note: Skills such as Fishing will not be learned and will need to be re-learned.

Easy belief
Have your creature pick up an unopened treasure chest. When you eventually get the portal, throw it through. At the other side, it resembles a cube with a kid's picture on it, and when thrown into a crowd you will extra belief. If this did not seem to not work, it probably fell in the water.

You will need Forest miracle to perform this trick. If a village you do not control or your own village needs wood, cast a Forest miracle near a crowd. Then, right click the little "seed" and cast it again. Repeat this until you stop getting a lot of belief.

When in any land (preferably land 2 or 3), place a big rock at the town center. Do not tell them to worship. They will dance around the rock. That will make the rock glow. Wait until it is glowing fully. Then, take the rock and chunk it over a different one (or yours) and it will gain 500 belief. If you feed it to your creature, it will make your villagers like him a little more.

In land 3, there is a person near the temple labled "Actor". Pick him up and throw him out of your influence. Then, quickly pick him up and toss him into a village that you are trying to impress. Pause game play, go to the worship site, resume the game, get a lightning or fireball, then pause game play again. Go back where actor was located. Place your hand be over him. Then, use the miracle. Repeat the process until all tribes people are dead. Then, get "Actor" back to the village and pause game play. Get one of your people and put it into one of the houses (if there are any) and he or she will move in. That village is now yours and has an influence of its own. The village that works best is the one at the bottom of the hill, near Lethase's temple.

More prayer points
When you are going to sacrifice someone for an extra boost in prayer power, heal one of the children, and then throw them into the dish. This will give you an extra boost of about 9,000 to 13,000 prayer points. This is useful if you are in need of prayer power to help or destroy.

Get rid of curse
Use the following trick to get rid of the curse in land 5. Destroy the wonder that is near the village center, left above your temple.

Convert important characters to loyal civilians
When an important NPC character dies (including skeletons, Sable, Piper, Hermit, Hippy, etc.) and their body does not disappear, you can grab them and throw them in the vortex. They will become your loyal civilians in the next land.

Save drowning villages
Put on the fluffy leash and make your creature go next to the men. He will then pick one of them up. If you move your creature onto land he will put down the current man.

The living dead
When you here the "Deeeeaaaath" whisper, press S to find the dead person. Their name will be white. Find a "teleport site" (you will need to have two). Drop the skeleton in the portal, and on the other side on the portal, you should see that dead person crawling (or at least moving). If you pick it up and drop it, it will become a normal (non-moving) skeleton again. You will not have to care for it (it cannot die again). You can also have a live person of the opposite sex breed with it.

Walking skeletons
On World 3 there is a silver story scroll where you have the learn the notes are that you have to play. First, you have to play "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star". Play the notes in this order, from left to right: 1, 1, 8, 8, 9, 9, 8, 6, 6, 5, 5, 3, 3, 1. You then have to play the "Funeral March:, which is: 2, 2, 2, 2, 5, 4, 4, 2, 2, 1, 2. A circle should appear. If you put someone that has died in it, they will start walking again, but will still be a skeleton.
Note: "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" turns it to night and the stones will turn into tombstones; and if you play "White Christmas" (2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), it will start to snow.

Start out evil
Use the "Get any creature" trick, but first copy both creatures and send them to another folder for later use. Play the game as usual and become evil. Go back to the "ctr" folder and delete the hacked creature. Go to the folder where you placed the copied animals and put them back in the "ctr" folder. Start the game. Your game will begin again, but you will be evil.

Kill a villager
Pick up a villager and throw them. If you throw them into gatesor down mountains, they will die easier. Keep on throwing them and they will eventually die. A ghost will appear from their bodies. Then the body will turn into a skeleton, and if you wait, the skeleton will disappear.

Make your creature sick
To make your creature vomit, make him pick up his own excrement. When he is holding it, rub his stomach so he eats it. Zoom in and wait. If nothing happens, make him eat more. This will not damage your character.

Strong creature
To get a strong creature very fast, download a skirmish map with every miracle and use the Enlarge miracle on your creature. While he is huge give him a large rock like a Singing Stone or something else. Make him run with the rock. He will eventually become small again, but he will still be holding the rock. This cuts down the time it takes to get a buff creature.

Tiger food
The Tiger basically likes all meaty animals including cows and sheep. If you try to feed it when it is not hungry, it will drop the cow or sheep.

Kill Sable
Wait for Sable to give you the leashes. Then put on the spiky leash. Your creature might eat Sable, then vomit. Note: The Tiger will usually eat her.

Special attack
You can use your creature's special attack in battle by moving the pointing hand in the direction of a star. This is very useful when defeating the Ogre in land one.

Talking rock
In the first level, at the right corner of the sculptors house is a lumpy rock. Press [F1] with the hand over it and it will say funny things.

Choose a village that you want to get some belief from. Make sure your and/or creature has Fireball, Water and/or Heal miracle. Then, use Fireball to get some belief. Next, with your and/or your creature, use Water and/or heal on the flaming villagers to get even more belief. To get more, you can rebuild the buildings that were destroyed.

Glitch: Floating tree
In the first level after the sailors build the boat, but before you give them meat, put a tree on top of the boat and make sure it remains there.Then give them what they need. After they are gone, the tree will be floating.

Glitch: Drain towns
When you are able to grab opponent's men, place them down near your totems when a little house appears. You can drain towns this way, then send in a missionary.

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