Backyard Baseball 2005 Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Backyard Baseball 2005 cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Backyard Baseball 2005 Cheats
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Primary Collection of Cheats
Unlock Barry Dejay
Enter "HOOPS" as a new coach name to unlock Barry Dejay.
Unlock characters and stadiums
Abner Doubleplay - Collect twenty different individual skill certificates with a coach.
Derek Jeter - Complete two double plays in a single game.
Greg Maddux - Win twenty career games with the same pitcher.
Mike Piazza - Hit a grand slam.
Pedro Martinez - Throw a shut-out or pitch a perfect game in a season as the Boston Red Sox.
Randy Johnson - Get twenty career strikeouts with the same pitcher.
Shawn Green - Get sixty career hits with the same player.
Mr. Clanky - Complete Mr. Clanky's coaching box.
Aquadome Stadium - Hit a homerun into the water at Frasier Field, Steele Stadium, and Gator Flats.
Humongous Memorial Stadium - Get your team to the playoffs and play a game there
Quantum Field - Win the World Series

Championship game stadium
To get the field that you play the championship in, simply win the world series undefeated (by going 4-0 in the series) and then create a new coach and team then choose that field as your home field. (this is the stadium where you play the all-star game at also, it is the one with the hot dog holding a bat, behind the center field wall.)

Baseball Darts Mini-game
Score a 40 or better in the fielders challenge.

Easy strikouts and outs
First, throw a screwball to the left of the K Zone (the yellow box), and a little outside. Then, throw a curveball to the right of the K Zone, and a little outside again. Then, throw either a fastball or a changeup inside. The batter will either hit a weak grounder or strike out. Note: This was only done in easy mode with Eric Gagne.

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