Avernum 2 Cheats - PC

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Check out these Avernum 2 cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Avernum 2 Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Portal Easter Egg
Find a secret passage near Erika's Tower that leads to a large group of Efeeti. Defeat them. Now, choose the bottom option when prompted to enter a coordinate for the portal in the Tower of Magi, Southeast Avernum. You'll be sent to a "Peculiar Area."

Easy Money
Many enemies drop gold when you dispatch them, but the amount is minimal. You'll make much more money by taking the items they drop to the nearest town and selling them. It also helps considerably if you have much of the Barter Skill. If you already have 9000 gold, choose a place you will remember and drop items there to be sold later.

Save Your Mind Crystals
If you find a mind crystal for a special skill such as Pathfinder that can be learned from certain people around Avernum, don't use the crystal until your character has learned five points of the skill. This way, your character will end up with a higher amount of the skill.

Prepare for Big Battles
When you know a big battle lies just ahead, don't just go rushing into it. Be ready. Save your game. Cast spells such as Haste and Beast Ceremony to give your party the advantage.

Target Magic Users First
Whenever possible, take out enemy magic users before dealing with melee enemies. This will help prevent such inconveniences as being slowed and taking extra damage.

Physical Invincibility
Max out on Gymnastics, Parry, and Defense. I have a fighter who is literially impossible to harm by any means short of magic and Empire Archers, who can hit anything anyway.

Duplicate Item Cheat
Save your game while in a town. Click on the item that you want to duplicate. Open your saved game and as quickly as possible click on an adjecent space or hit a key on the keypad and it's done!

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