Astebreed Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Astebreed cheats and stay cool!
Achievements (Steam)
ANALYSIS COMPLETED - Saw every attack pattern used by Asymptote Est in Chapter 3.
AT FULL THROTTLE - Used the Wild EX Attack 10 times.
BEYOND ASYMPTOTE - Destroyed Queen System in Chapter 6 without taking any damage.
BLADE COUNTERATTACK - Used the Blade to knock a direct attack from Asymptote Void back in Chapter 5.
BREAKTHROUGH - Used the Dash Blade attack to get a x16 multiplier ten times in total.
BY FORCE - Destroyed Dux's outer shell in Chapter 4 by only attacking from the outside.
COMPLETE ALL - Cleared the game on Normal difficulty without using continues (Chapter Select is not allowed).
COMPLETE FLEET DESTRUCTION - Destroyed the entire enemy fleet in Chapter 3.
EX COUNTERATTACK - Used an EX Attack to knock a direct attack from Asymptote Void back in Chapter 5.
FAIRY THE RIPPER - Used Blade to destroy 20,000 enemies and their attacks.
GAME MASTER - Cleared the game on Hard difficulty without using continues (Chapter Select is not allowed).
GET READY - Viewed all the tutorials.
GOOD JOB - Cleared the game on Easy difficulty with less than 50,000 damage taken in total (Chapter Select is not allowed).
GOOD SKILLS TO AVOID - Avoided all of the Lucis capture attacks in Chapter 5.
GOOD SNIPER - Reached a total Lock Level of 30,000.
HASTY - Skipped every cutscene.
HIGH SCORER - Reached a total score of 100,000,000 pts.
HIGHER SCORER - Reached a total score of 500,000,000 pts.
INVINCIBLE - Cleared a chapter on Hard difficulty without taking damage.
LIGHTNING - Used the Dash Blade attack to get a x16 multiplier 30 times in total.
LISTEN TO HER - Destroyed Asymptote Est in Chapter 2 swiftly.
LOCUS OF LIGHT - Used Shot to destroy 20,000 enemies and their attacks.
MISSION COMPLETED - Cleared the game with all mecha on all difficulties.
MULTI LOCK ON - Locked onto 50 targets at the same time.
NEVER GIVE UP - Continued 10 times.
NICE SCORING - Earned 500,000 pts by using an EX Attack.
PERFECT GAME - Cleared a chapter on Easy difficulty without taking damage.
PERFECT PLAYING - Cleared a chapter on Normal difficulty without taking damage.
SLENDER - Destroyed Asymptote Void and all its parts in Chapter 5.
SUNSHINE - Destroyed a boss using an EX Attack.
SUPERHUMAN - Cleared the game on Hard difficulty with less than 50,000 damage taken in total (Chapter Select is not allowed).
THE STORY ABOUT ASYMPTOTE BETWEEN TWINS - Played the Prologue to the end.
TO ALTER REALITY - Cleared the game on Easy difficulty.
TO ALTER THE FUTURE - Cleared the game on Normal difficulty.
TO ALTER THE WORLD - Cleared the game on Hard difficulty.
TOO MUCH DESTRUCTION - Destroyed 30 of Dux's batteries in Chapter 4.
TORNADO - Destroyed 100 enemies and their attacks using the Spin EX Attack.
WELL DONE - Cleared the game on Normal difficulty with less than 50,000 damage taken in total (Chapter Select is not allowed).
WITHOUT ARMS - Destroyed Agnesi in Chapter 1 but kept its arms intact.
WITHOUT DEATH - Cleared the game on Easy difficulty without using continues. (Chapter Select is not allowed).

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