Arsenal of Democracy Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Arsenal of Democracy cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Arsenal of Democracy Cheats
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Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Press [F12] while playing and enter following codes. A message should confirm successful code entry. The event passwords will force an event pop-up to show up when they work.

event 1016 - Gives +1 Political Left OR +1 Political Right.
event 4102 - Gives +1,000 supplies, +500 rubber.
event 1014 - Choose Dissent plus 1 or minus 1.
event 1009 - Dissent -3.
event 4100 - Dissent minus 30.
event 1008 - Dissent plus 3 Supply -350.
event 1012 - Get Blueprints for current Research.
event 1003 - Gives 100 manpower.
event 1002 - Gives 200 more supplies.
event 1007 - Gives 30 more manpower.
event 1010 - IC minus 1.
event 1006 - IC plus 6.
event 1013 - Increase Industrial Efficiency 1%.
event 1110 - increase war support by 5.
event 1005 - Military Parade (lose dissent and supplies).
event 1003 - Military Volunteers (more manpower).
event 8011 - Nuke-waste Bomb available.
event 1001 - Random Leader loses 4 Loyalty.
event 1000 - Sabotage Research.
event 8018 - SAM Researchable.
event 1011 - Steal Blueprints.
event 1040 - Steal Tech from Enemy.
event 2024 - Truce with Russia (discontent agree= -50% disagree= +15%).
event 2011 - You annex Czechoslovakia.
acceptall - AI accepts anything you propose.
freedom - Allows you to make any reform.
event 8009 - Ballistic Missile Researchable.
dissent - Causes dissent in your nation.
money - Gives 500 more cash.
energy - Gives 500 more energy.
metal - Gives 500 more metal.
oil - Gives 500 more oil.
rare - Gives 500 rare materials.
manpower - Gives 5,000 more manpower.
nuke - Gives a nuclear bomb.
escorts - Gives escorts.
supplies - Gives supplies.
transports - Gives transports.
fullcontrol - Toggles AI on/off.
showxy - Toggles coordinates on/off.
nofog - Toggles fog of war on/off.
difrules - Toggles god mode on/off.
handsoff - Toggles Hands on/off.
showid - Toggles providence IDs on/off.
norevolts - Toggles rebels on/off.
nolimit - Toggles troop limit on/off.
nowar - Toggles war on/off.

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