All cheats for this game by platform:
Achievements (Steam)
A decent start - Win 10 maps in singleplayer mode.
Ambitious - Ambitious multiplayer.
Ant Wars - Win a match with having 24 Buggys at the same time.
Big Spender - Maximize your supply and win the match.
Master - Master multiplayer.
Master Thief - Capture the opponent's modules 250 times.
Minister of Defense - Get back your module five times during a single multiplayer match.
Motivated - Motivated multiplayer.
Natural Born Winner - Win 100 maps.
Perfectionist - Win a multiplayer match 3:0.
Running out the clock - Both, your opponent and you hold the modules until they are returned automatically.
Bullseye - Destroy the opponent unit which carries the module with the "Ion cannon" power-up.
Comeback! - Win a match after being behind 0:2.
Concerned Defender - Get your modules back 100 times.
Countermeasure - Use a buff on an opposing unit to cancel another buff.
Dynamic Duo - Win 10 matches in 2vs2 mode.
Invincible - Win 10 multiplayer matches in a row.
Madness - Win each map on difficulty "Insane".
Scrap Dealer - Destroy 500 enemy units.
Whirlwind - Win a match in less than 7 minutes.