Anno 1602 Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Anno 1602 cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Anno 1602 Cheats
cheat description   size
Nov. 25, 2005

NOTE: There are 3 more download(s) available for our registered users. Log in or register now to access them!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Hold [Alt]+[Ctrl]+[Shift]+W during game play. A prompt will appear at the bottom left corner of the screen. Type 2061 and press [Enter] at the prompt. Then, press Q (QWERTY keyboard), A (AZERTY keyboard), or ß (German keyboard) to enable cheat mode. Place the pointer over a storehouse and press [Alt] + [Ctrl] + [Shift] + W to display the cheat prompt again. Type one of the following codes and press [Enter]. Then, press Q, A, or ß to place five units of the selected resource in the storehouse or keep that key held to fill that resource. Press [Shift] + K for cannons.

02 - Iron ore
03 - Gold
04 - Wool
05 - Sugar cane
06 - Tobacco
07 - Beef cattle
08 - Corn
09 - Flour
10 - Iron
11 - Metal
12 - Muskets
13 - Canon balls
14 - Food
15 - Tobacco
16 - Spice
17 - Cacao
18 - Alcohol
19 - Materials
20 - Clothes
21 - Jewelry
22 - Tools
23 - Wood
24 - Stone
Another Set of Cheats for This Game
All campaigns
To access all missions edit the game.dat with notepad and change the string:

Volume: -750, 0, -5?? to Volume: -750, 0, -580
(The -750 can be various)

Free items
When you buy something and your income is red or low, save the game. Load it again and you will have your money back.

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