WCW vs. nWo: World Tour Cheats - Nintendo 64

 All cheats for this game by platform: Nintendo 64
Check out these WCW vs. nWo: World Tour cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable WCW vs. nWo: World Tour Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Play as Wrath
Complete DOA in league challenge mode.

Play as Glacier
Complete IU in league challenge mode.

Play as Diamond Dallas Page
Complete WCW in league challenge mode.

Play as Macho Man Randy Savage
Complete NWO in league challenge mode.

Play as Joe Bruiser or Black Widow
After completing DOA, IU, WCW, and NOW in league challenge mode, select the new "Whole World Wrestling" option. Complete the Heavyweight and Cruiserweight classes, to face Joe Bruiser and Black Widow. Both will be selectable characters after they are defeated.

Alternate costumes
Press [C-Left] or [C-Right] at the player selection screen. Press [Start] on controller one while choosing a character.

Character selection camera
Use the Analog-stick at the character selection screen to move the character and adjust the zoom.

Automatic move reversal
When your opponent does a weak or strong attack (such as by pressing [B]), press [Right] when he hits your character to automatically reverse the move.
Rip off opponent's mask
Punch your opponent in the face, or do eye rakes. After three or four times, his mask will fall off.

Glitch: Frozen game
Select "Tag Team League Challenge", use the D-pad to move the cursor randomly around the WCW (and only the WCW) character selection screen, and press [A]. Now move around the rows until every character except one has been highlighted. Select that one character, then choose another character and start the match. Look at your partner's picture to freeze the game.

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