Star Wars: Rogue Squadron Cheats - Nintendo 64

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Check out these Star Wars: Rogue Squadron cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Star Wars: Rogue Squadron Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Fly a Naboo Starfighter
Enter "HALIFAX?" as a password. Ignore the incorrect entry sound. Then, enter "!YNGWIE!" as a second password. Ignore the second incorrect entry sound. A Naboo Starfighter from Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace will be available in any mission that does not require a Snowspeeder. It appears to the left of the X-Wing at the ship selection screen. The Naboo Starfighter is armed with rapid-fire twin laser cannons, homing missiles, and other upgradable weaponry.

Remove Naboo Starfighter
After the Naboo Starfighter code is activated, it will always appear in the hangar. To make it disappear, enter "HALIFAX?" as a password. Then, enter a second password using an invalid combination of characters. The Naboo Starfighter should no longer be in the hangar.

Fly the Millennium Falcon
Enter "FARMBOY" as a password. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Fly a TIE Interceptor
Enable the "Fly the Millennium Falcon" code. Then, enter "TIEDUP" as a password. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Go to the craft selection screen, highlight the Millennium Falcon for approximately three seconds, then press [Analog-stick Up]. The screen will move behind the Millennium Falcon and allow the TIE Interceptor to be selected.

Fly a car
Enter "KOELSCH" as a password. A 1969 Buick Electra 225 convertible will replace the V-Wing at the ship selection screen. You will still have the V-Wing's weapons. Note: Do not pause game play when using this car -- the game will freeze or you may lose saved data.

Unlimited lives
Enter "IGIVEUP" as a password. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Level select
Enter "GAMEFLO!" as a password. A sound will confirm correct code entry. All the normal levels will be unlocked.

Tatooine race bonus level
Enter "WOMPRAT!" as a password. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Alternately, earn a Bronze medal or better in all missions to fly a T-16 Skyhopper through Beggar's Canyon on Tatooine.

Death Star Trench bonus level
Enter "WOISTHAN" as a password. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Alternately, earn a Silver medal in all missions to fly in a trench on the surface of the Death Star.

Battle of Hoth bonus level
Enter "DEADDACK" as a password. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Alternately, earn a Gold medal in all missions to fly a Snowspeeder in the Battle Of Hoth. Note: This code also unlocks all other levels.

All power-ups
Enter "TOUGHGUY" as a password. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

View credits
Enter "CREDITS" as a password. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Advanced radar display
Enter "RADAR" as a password. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Differences in altitude will be indicated by various brightness levels.

Control AT-ST
Enter "CHICKEN" as a password. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Use the Analog-stick to move, hold [Z] to aim, and press [B] to fire during the AT-ST level. To move faster, hold [A] and use the Analog-stick.

Weaker shields
Enter "ACE" as a password. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

View intermission sequences
Enter "DIRECTOR" as a password. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Then, select the "Showroom" option and choose "At The Movies" to view the intermission sequences. Note: It does not show the bonus level sequences, and Luke only uses the default craft for each level.

Music test
Enter "MAESTRO" as a password. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Then, select the "Showroom" option, and choose "Concert Hall" to listen to the game music. Press [Z] during the music test to change the ship in the foreground.

Programmers on title screen
Enter one of the following passwords. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Allow demonstration mode to start after returning to the main menu, then press [A]. Luke's face will change to that of the corresponding member of the development team.

BERGLOWE": H. Schmidt
"CHIPPIE": C. Huelsbeck
"FLYDODGE": D. Jagalski
"HARDROCK": T. Engel
"ICHHELD": R. Henke
"PSYLOCK": M. Wagner
"RUDIBUBI": R. Stember
"SIRHISS": J. Petersam
"THBPILOT": B. Hoppe
"TIECK": F. Sauer
"TOBIASS": T. Richter
"WUTZI": J. Eggebrecht

View entire development team
Enter "BLAMEUS" as a password. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Interestingly, the picture that is displayed features many males (not all are human), but only one female that is hidden somewhere on the screen.

Ship select
Earn a Gold medal in the Battle of Hoth level to select most ships in any mission.
Explore Tatooine
Destroy all of the probe droids that are shooting the homes on Tatooine. Do not destroy the free flying probe droids. Explore the planet without failing the mission.

V-Wing boost
The engine boosters of the V-Wing can be used to your advantage. Note the speed and distance that one boost gives. When traveling far, use them when near the destination.

Y-Wing third weapon
To use the Y-Wing's Ion Cannon, press [C-Right]. You will see blue lasers appearing from above the cockpit.

Impressive crash
Begin game play on the Assault On Kale 2 level with the X-Wing. Get total damage without dying. Go to where Wedge gets ambushed. Use the canyon short cut. Press [C-Right] + [A]. If done correctly, your ship will fly almost out of the atmosphere, or perhaps past it before exploding in air.

Assault On Kale 2: Shortcut
Use the V-Wing, X-Wing, or Naboo fighter and make sure you have full health. Go to a canyon wall (not a corner or edge), use the brake, and align the ship straight with the canyon. Use the turbo on the X and V-Wing, and also use the thrusters. You should see a shadow on the top of the canyon. That is the short cut.

Death Star Trench: Faster level
Use the Naboo Fighter when playing the Death Star Trench level. It has more missiles and flies faster, which is very helpful in that area,

Escape From Fest: Gold medal
Go straight when you start the level. Destroy the four gun turrets. Follow your radar, then trip the AT-AT. Turn to the shield generator. When heading for the second AT-AT, shoot the two other turrets, then trip the AT-AT. Next, go to where the first turret was located to find and trip the third AT-AT. Follow your radar until you see the AT-PTs, then turn left and destroy the three tanks. Next, destroy all of the other tanks on your radar. Then, four waves of TIE Bombers will try to drop bombs on the AT-PTs. Shoot them down before they get the chance. Then, head for the Shield Generator and destroy it. Next, turn left and go straight until you see two turrets and a bunker. Destroy all three of them and get the bonus. The AT-PTs should have reached the landing zone by now. Destroy the two missile turrets and research building.

Launch seeking weapons faster
Quickly press [C-Left]x2 to launch any seeking weapons (except seeker cluster missiles and bombs) without the seeker turning on. The missiles will not home, but will fire faster.

Shoot two missiles simultaneously with the Y-Wing
Hold [B] and rapidly press the [C-Right] to shoot two missiles at the same time.

Best ship
The Buick car is not very good, although it sounds cool. The fastest ship is the Naboo Starfighter.

Unlock Kason Moore's Biography
In order to unlock Kason's biography, recieve a gold medal on the level "The Liberation of Gerard V". Biographies can be viewed in the options menu.

Glitch: Fly through walls
Walls on levels such as Assault On Kile II can be flown through. Fly as high as possible, then aim your ship straight on, towards the wall. Keep pulling up it hits the wall - your ship will take damage, but will pass through the wall.

Glitch: Split shuttle
Play the Assault on Kyle II mission and drop a bomb on the Lambda class shuttle that is flying over the Spaceport. When the bomb hits it, the shuttle will split into two shuttles and fly in different directions.

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