Snowboard Kids 2 Cheats - Nintendo 64

 All cheats for this game by platform: Nintendo 64
Check out these Snowboard Kids 2 cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
All characters, tracks, and snowboards
Press [Z], [B], [C-Up], [Down], [Analog-stick Left], [Analog-stick Right], [Up], [R], [Z], [A] at the title screen. Damien will laugh and spin off the screen to confirm correct code entry. All characters will be unlocked in battle mode and all tracks will be unlocked in story mode when a new game is started. The code does not affect previously saved games.

Play as Mr. Penguin
Defeat Mr. Penguin during the training season to make him a selectable character.

Play as Damien
Successfully complete story mode.

Play as Mr. Dog
Successfully complete the "Shoot Cross" skill test with only one paper per mailbox.

Play as Panda
Enter battle mode, select Mr. Dog as a character, and choose his space suit costume. Your character will be a Panda when the race starts.

Play as Pig
Enter battle mode, select Mr. Dog as a character, then choose his pig costume.

Quick start
Press [B] when as the announcer says "Go".

Expert mode
Successfully complete story mode.

Special snowboards
Successfully complete one of the following tracks under expert mode to unlock the corresponding special snowboard.

PovertySubtracts moneySunny
FeatherMore airTurtle Island
IceSlipperySnowman Boss
StarNo special featuresWendy's House
RichAdds moneyLinda's Castle
DragonRockets and wingsDinosaur Boss
NinjaInvisibilityStarlight Highway
CharmGhosting protectionHaunted House
High-TechSpeed fanMecha-Damien
Snowboard Street: Shortcut
On the Snowboard Street level with a winged snowboard, go off the second booster ramp. Press [B] and lean towards the right to make it over the street.

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