Mortal Kombat 4 Cheats - Nintendo 64

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Check out these Mortal Kombat 4 cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Mortal Kombat 4 Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Alternate costumes
Hold [Start] and press any button two times to rotate the select screen pictures to enable each character's second costume, except for Sonya and Tanya. The select screen pictures must be rotated three times for those characters. Note: Some characters will have different weapons instead of a new costume.

To get Kai's gangster costume and Noob's grim reaper costume, hold [Start] and press any button three times before selecting that character. To get Reptile's original ninja costume, hold [Start] and press any button two times before selecting him.

Cheat option
Highlight the "Continue" selection on the options screen. Hold [Run] + "Block" ([C-Left] + [C-Down] by default) until the cheat option appears and the word "Outstanding" is spoken. The cheat options include "Endings", "Fatalities 1", "Fatalities 2", and "Level Fatalities". The "Level Fatalities" option will allow the spike fatality to be executed on any level. Note: Only one cheat may be enabled at a time.
Endings: Set to "On" to see a character's ending after one fight in arcade mode.

Fatalities 1: Set to "On". Hold [Down] and press [High Punch] to perform the character's first fatality.

Fatalities 2: Set to "On". Hold [Down] and press [High Punch] to perform the character's second fatality.

Level Fatalities: Set to "On". Hold [Down] and press [High Punch] to perform the character's level fatality. You must be next to your opponent in either Goro's Lair or the Prison stage.
Fight as Goro
Successfully complete the game with Shinnok and save the game. Enable the "Cheat option code". Select the invisible icon at the bottom of the character selection screen. Press [Up]x3, [Left] to highlight Shinnok's icon, then press [Run] + "Block" ([C-Left] + [C-Down] by default). Note: Goro can not be saved to the controller pak and must be enabled again after the Nintendo 64 is powered off.

Alternatively, successfully complete the game with Shinnok and save the game. Enable the "Cheat option code". Select the invisible icon at the bottom of the character selection screen and hold [C-Down]. Then, press [Up]x3, [Left], and hold [C-Left] until "Choose Your Destiny" is heard.

Fight as Noob Saibot
Successfully complete the game with Reiko and save the game. Then, enable the "Cheat option code". Select the invisible icon at the bottom of the character selection screen. Press [Up]x2, [Left] to highlight Reiko's icon, then press [Run] + "Block" ([C-Left] + [C-Down] by default). Although Reiko will appear at the "Choose Your Destiny Screen", Noob Saibot will appear in the match. Note: Noob Saibot can not be saved to the controller pak and must be enabled again after the Nintendo 64 is powered off.

Alternatively, successfully complete the game with Shinnok and save the game. Enable the "Cheat option code". Select the invisible icon at the bottom of the character selection screen and hold [C-Down]. Then, press [Up]x2, [Left], and hold [C-Left] until "Choose Your Destiny" is heard.

Fight as Meat
Enable the "Cheat option code". Enter "Group Mode" and successfully fight as all sixteen characters. After this has been accomplished, select any character and begin a match. Your character will playing as Meat with all the moves of the character that was selected. Note: Meat can not be saved to the controller pak and must be enabled again after the Nintendo 64 is powered off.

Unlimited continues
If the CPU gets a "Finish him" on your fighter, press [Start] on controller two. Select your fighter and controller two's fighter. Kill player two and you will start again at the same level with full health.
Fujin: Combos
Use the following combo for 11 hits and 47% damage: [Jump In], [High Punch], [High Punch], "High Punch", [High Kick], [Down+High Punch], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Down] + [High Punch], [Run In], [Flying Knee].

Use the following combo for 8 hits and 50% damage: [High] [Punch], [High] [Punch], [High] [Kick], [Back] + [High] [Kick], [Run] [In], [High] [Punch], [High] [Punch], [Back] + [High] [Kick], [Run] [In], [Rising] [Knee].

Use the following combo for 12 hits and 40% damage: [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], "Uppercut", [Run In], "Uppercut" before they hit the ground, [Run In], "Uppercut" after they hit the ground, [High Punch], [High Punch], "Weapon Pull".

Use the following combo for 4 hits and 49% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], [High Kick], "Rising Knee".

Use the following combo for 5 hits and 49% damage: [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Rising Knee".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 51% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Jump In], [High Punch], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], "Rising Knee".

Use the following combo for 6 hits 50% damage: "Air Lift", "Air Slam", [Sweep], [Run In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Bone Breaker".

Use the following combo 3 hits 59% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Back] + "High Kick", "Throw Weapon" (must be done in corner).

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 51% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Rising Knee".

Use the following combo for 7 hits and 53% damage: [Sweep], [Jump In], [High Punch], [High Punch], "High Punch", [High Kick], [High Kick], "Rising Knee".

Goro: Shoot fireballs
Press "Toward", [Back], [B].

Goro: Combos
Use the following combo for 3 hits 50% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], [Down] + "High Kick", [Run In], "Throw".

Use the following combo 3 hits 58% damage: [Sweep], "Run In", [Sweep], "Crushing Stomp".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 57% damage: [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Multiple Punches" and "Throw".

Use the following combo 6 hits 76% damage: [Jump In], "High Punch", [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [High Kick], "Big Boot", "Crushing Stomp".

Use the following combo for 4 hits and 69% damage: [High Kick], [High Kick], "Big Boot", "Crushing Stomp".

Jarek: Combos
Use the following combo for 8 hits and 53% damage: [High] [Punch], [High] [Punch], [High] [Kick], [Back] + [High] [Kick], [Run] [In], [High] [Punch], [High] [Punch], [Back] + [High] [Kick], [Run] [In], "Leg" "Breaker", "Roll".

Use the following combo for 9 hits and 44% damage: [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], "Uppercut", [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], "Bone Breaker", "Bone Breaker", [High Punch], [High Punch], "Weapon Pull", "Bone Breaker", "Roll".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 61% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], "Leg Breaker", [Run In], "Leg Breaker", "Roll".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 55% damage: "Weapon Draw", "Low Punch", "Low Punch", "Throw Weapon".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 75% damage: "Weapon Pull", "Low Punch", "Walk In", "Low Punch", [Run In], "Bone Breaker", [Run In], "Bone Breaker", "Throw Weapon".

Use the following combo 3 hits 59% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Back] + "High Kick", "Throw Weapon" (must be done in corner).

Use the following combo 3 hits 67% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Sweep], [Run In], [Back] + [High Kick], "Run In", "Leg Breaker", "Throw Weapon".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 62% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], "Bone Breaker", [Run In], "Bone Breaker", "Roll".

Use the following combo 3 hits 59% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Back] + "High Kick", "Throw Weapon" (must be done in corner).

Jax: Combo
Use the following combo for 6 hits and 50% damage: [Jump In],[High Punch], [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], "Uppercut", [Run In], [High Punch] before they hit ground, "Jump Up", "Grab", "Back Breaker" before they hit the ground again, [Run In], "Bone Breaker", "Multislam".

Use the following combo for 6 hits and 50% damage: [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], "Uppercut", [Run In], [Punch] to keep in air, "Jump Up Back Breaker Grab", [Run In], "Bone Breaker", "Bone Breaker "again, then "Multislam".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 64% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], "Leg Breaker", [Run In], "Leg Breaker", "Slide Punch".

Use the following combo for 8 hits and 54% damage: [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Leg Breaker", "Slide Punch".

Use the following combo for 8 hits 53% damage: "Jump In High Punch", [High Punch], "Hig Punch", [High Kick], "Uppercut", [Run In], "High Punch Before They Hit The Ground", [Jump] + "High Kick "before they hit the ground then immediately grab them in air for "Back Breaker", [Run In], "Bone Breaker", "Slide Punch".

Use the following combo for 6 hits and 54% damage: "Jump High Kick", [High Kick], [Down] + [High Kick], "Run In" with a [High Kick] as they touch the ground, follow the [High Kick] with a [Back] + [High Kick], "Run In", "Bone Breaker", "Dash Punch".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 60% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], "Bone Breaker", [Run In], "Bone Breaker", "Fireball".

Use the following combo 3 hits 59% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Back] + "High Kick", "Throw Weapon" (must be done in corner).

Use the following combo 3 hits 67% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Sweep], [Run In], [Back] + [High Kick], "Run In", "Leg Breaker", "Throw Weapon".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 71% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Back] + [High Punch], [Back] + [High Punch], [Run In], "Leg Breaker", "Throw Weapon".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 73% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], "Leg Breaker", [Run In], "Leg Breaker", "Throw Weapon

Johnny Cage: James Bond costume
Select arcade mode from the title screen. Highlight Johnny Cage, hold [Start] and press "Low Punch"(3) at the character selection screen. Johnny Cage will be dressed exactly like James Bond. Draw his weapon during a match to see a larger version of Bond's PP7 gun.

Johnny Cage: New weapon
Change into the James Bond costume and allow yourself to be defeated. Save yourself before you hit the spikes. When you get to the character selection screen, do the James Bond trick again. He will be in his original costume, but his weapon will be Kai's dagger.

Johnny Cage: Combos
Use the following combo for 9 hits and 49% damage: [High Punch], [High Punch], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [Down] + [High Kick], [Run In], [High Kick], [High Kick], "Split Punch To Groin".

Use the following combo for 6 hits and 49% damage: [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], "Throw".

Use the following combo for 7 hits and 50% damage: [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Punch to Groin".

Use the following combo 3 hits 59% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Back] + "High Kick", "Throw Weapon" (must be done in corner).

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 52% damage: [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Punch to Groin" (must be done in corner).

Kai: New weapon
Successfully complete the game with Kai. Then, start a new game with Kai and his weapon will be Raiden's lighting staff.

Kai: Combos
Use the following combo for 4 hits and 58% damage: "Falling Fireball", "Rising Fireball", [Sweep], [Run In], [Back] + [High Kick].

Use the following combo for 4 hits and 54% damage: "Falling Fireball", "Rising Fireball", [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep].

Use the following combo for 4 hits and 50% damage: "Falling Fireball", "Rising Fireball", [Sweep], [High Kick].

Use the following combo for 4 hits and 54% damage: "Falling Fireball", "Rising Fireball", [Sweep], "Roundhouse".

Use the following combo for 4 hits and 59% damage: "Falling Fireball", "Rising Fireball", "Falling Fireball", "Bone Breaker".

Use the following combo for 4 hits and 52% damage: "Falling Fireball", "Rising Fireball", "Falling Fireball", "Rising Fireball".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 60% damage: "Falling Fireball", "Rising Fireball", [Sweep], "Bone Breaker".

Use the following combo for 5 hits 47% damage: [Sweep], [Down] + [High Kick], [Sweep], "Rising Fire Ball", [Down] + "High Kick "after they hit the ground, "Bone Breaker".

Use the following combo 3 hits 59% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Back] + "High Kick", "Throw Weapon" (must be done in corner).

Liu Kang: Combos
Use the following combo for 4 hits and 50% damage: "Bicycle Kick", "Flying Kick", [Run In], "High Kick", [Back] + [High Kick].

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 58% damage: "Bicycle Kick", "Flying Kick", [Run In], "Throw", "Flying Kick".

Use the following combo for 8 hits and 56% damage: [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Throw", "Flying Kick".

Use the following combo for 6 hits and 56% damage: "Jump High Kick", [High Kick], [Down] + [High Kick], "Run In" with a [High Kick] as they touch the ground, follow the [High Kick] with a [Back] + [High Kick], "Run In", "Throw", "Flying Kick".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 69% damage: On a very little space between the two fighters, press [Back] + [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick], "Throw", [Back] + "High Kick".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 50% damage: [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Bone Breaker".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 57% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], "Throw", "Flying Kick".

Use the following combo 3 hits 59% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Back] + "High Kick", "Throw Weapon" (must be done in corner).

Use the following combo 3 hits 61% damage: [Sweep], "Run in", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Throw", "Flying Kick".

Noob Saibot: Special moves
Fire Ball: [Down], [Forward], "Low Punch" (also works in air)
Teleport: [Down], [Up] (Bock to slam)
Air throw: "Block
"Weapon draw: [Forward], [Forward], "High Kick
"Goro's Lair Fatality: [Forward], [Down], [Forward], "High Kick
"Prison Stage Fatality (Fan Stage): [Down], [Back], [Back], "High Kick
Noob Saibot: Combos
Use the following combo for 4 hits and 45% damage: [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick], "Fireball".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 50% damage: [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Leg Breaker".

Use the following combo for 6 hits and 49% damage: [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [High Punch], "High Punch", [High Kick], [Down] + [High Punch], [Jump], "Air Throw" (before it hits the ground), "Teleport Slam".

Use the following combo 3 hits 59% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Back] + "High Kick", "Throw Weapon" (must be done in corner).

Quan Chi: Combos
Use the following combo for 8 hits and 52% damage: [High] [Punch], [High] [Punch], [High] [Kick], [Back] + [High] [Kick], [Run] [In], [High] [Punch], [High] [Punch], [Back] + [High] [Kick], "Telestomp".

Use the following combo for 11 hits and 49% damage: [Jump In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Punch], "High Kick", [Down+High Punch], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Down] + [High Punch], "Teleport Stomp".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 50% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], "Telestomp".

Use the following combo for 6 hits and 49% damage: [Jump In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Punch], "High Kick", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Bone Breaker".

Use the following combo for 8 hits 52% damage: "Jump In High Punch", [High Punch], [High Punch], [Down] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Bone Breaker".

Use the following combo for 9 hits 53% damage: "Jump In High Punch", [High Punch], [High Punch], [Down] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Stomp".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 51% damage: [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Bone Breaker".

Use the following combo for 5 hits and 29% damage: "Jump In High Punch", [High Punch], [High Punch], "High Kick", "Uppercut", [Jump] in the air and air grab them.

Use the following combo 3 hits 59% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Back] + "High Kick", "Throw Weapon" (must be done in corner).

Rayden: Combos
Use the following combo for 10 hits and 47% damage: [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], "Down+High Punch", [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], "High Punch", [High Punch], [High Kick], [High Kick], "Superman".

Use the following combo for 7 hits and 51% damage: [High] [Punch], [High] [Punch], [High] [Kick], [Back] + [High] [Kick], [Run] [In], [High] [Punch], [High] [Punch], [Back] + [High] [Kick], [Run] [In], [Knee] "Strike" "To" "Face".

Use the following combo for 9 hits 47% damage: [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [High Punch], "Run In", [Sweep], [Run In], [High Punch], "High Punch", "Weapon Pull", "Weapon Throw", "Teleport", [Run In], "Bone Breaker".

Use the following combo for 7 hits and 32% damage: [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], "Uppercut", [Run In], [High Punch] before they hit the ground, "Jump High Kick" before they hit the ground again, "Superman" before they hit the ground again...

Use the following combo for 3 hits 46% damage: [Sweep], "Run In", [Sweep], [Run In], [Down] + [High Kick], "Run In Knee To Face".

Use the following combo 3 hits 59% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Back] + "High Kick", "Throw Weapon" (must be done in corner).

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 51% damage: [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Back] + [High Kick], "Torpedo" (must be done in corner).

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 50% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Back] + [High Punch], "Walk In", [Back] + [High Punch], "Throw Weapon".

Reiko: Combos
Use the following combo for 6 hits and 49% damage: [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Arms Breaker", "Run In", "Low Kick".

Use the following combo for 5 hits and 55% damage: [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Arms Breaker", [Run In], "Arms Breaker", [Run In], "Low Kick".

Use the following combo for 8 hits and 58% damage: [High] [Punch], [High] [Punch], [High] [Kick], [Back] + [High] [Kick], [Run] [In], [High] [Punch], [High] [Punch], [Back] + [High] [Kick], [Run] [In], "Arms" "Breaker", [Run] [In], "Low" [Kick].

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 67% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], "Arms Breaker", [Run In], [Back] + [High Kick].

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 61% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Back] + [High Punch], [Back] + [High Punch], "Throw Weapon".

Use the following combo for 8 hits 57% damage: [High Punch], [High Punch], "Wheel Kick", "Walk Up", [Sweep], [Run In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Bone Breaker", "Run In", [Back] + [High Kick].

Use the following combo for 6 hits and 62% damage: "Jump High Kick", [High Kick], [Down] + [High Kick], "Run In" with a [High Kick] as they touch the ground, follow the [High Kick] with a [Back] + [High Kick], "Run In", "Bone Breaker", [Run In], [Back] + "High Kick".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 75% damage: (Must be done in corner) [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Arms Breaker", "Run In", [Back] + [High Kick].

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 82% damage: "Weapon Pull", [Back] + [High Punch], [Back] + [High Punch], "Bone Breaker", "Throw Weapon".

Use the following combo 3 hits 59% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Back] + "High Kick", "Throw Weapon" (must be done in corner).

Use the following combo 3 hits 76% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Sweep], [Run In], [Back] + [High Kick], "Run In", "Arms Breaker", "Throw Weapon".

Use the following combo 3 hits 80% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Back] + "High Kick", [Run In], "Arms Breaker", "Throw Weapon" (must be done in corner)

Use the following combo for 5 hits and 94% damage: "Weapon Draw", [High Kick], [High Kick], "Flip Kick", "Jump In", "Low Kick" (when opponent is in air), [Run In], "Arms Breaker", [Run In], "Arms Breaker", "Throw Weapon".

Use the following combo for 13 hits and 55% damage: [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Down] + [High Punch], [Run In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Down] + [High Punch], [Run In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Down] + [High Punch], [Run In], "Arms Breaker", [Run In], [Back] + [High Kick].

Reptile: Combos
Use the following combo for 10 hits and 50% damage: [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Down] + [High Punch], "Super Crawl", [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick].

Use the following combo for 9 hits and 50% damage: "Super Crawl", [Run In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Down] + [High Kick], [Run In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick].

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 53% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], "Super Crawl", [Run In], "Neck Breaker".

Use the following combo for 6 hits and 52% damage: "Super Crawl", [Run In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], "Neck Breaker".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 59% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], "Acid Spit", "Run In Bone Breaker" (must be done in corner).

Use the following combo for 5 hits and 51% damage: "Jump High Kick", [High Kick], [Down] + [High Kick], "Run In" with a [High Kick] as they touch the ground, follow the [High Kick] with a [Back] + [High Kick], "Run In", "Bone Breaker".

Use the following combo for 4 hits and 56% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], "Super Crawl", [Run In], "Throw", "Super Crawl".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 53% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], [Crawl], [Run In], "Bone Breaker".

Use the following combo for 4 hits and 50% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], "Up And High Kick", [Run In], [Sweep], "Bone Breaker".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 59% damage: [Sweep], [Sweep], "Acid Spit", "Bone Breaker" (must be in corner).

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 59% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], "Acid Spit", "Run In Bone Breaker" (must be done in corner).

Use the following combo 3 hits 59% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Back] + "High Kick", "Throw Weapon" (must be done in corner).

Use the following combo for 4 hits and 52% damage: "Super Crawl", [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], "Run In", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Neck Breaker".

Scorpion: Combos
Use the following combo for 9 hits and 50% damage: "Spear", "Bone Breaker", "Spear", [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Down+High Punch], "Run In", [Sweep], [Run In], [High Punch], [Back] + [High Kick].

Use the following combo for 8 hits and 50% damage: [High Punch], [High Punch], [Sweep], [Run In], "Bone Breaker", "Spear", [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick].

Use the following combo for 9 hits and 60% damage: "Spear", "Bone Breaker", "Spear", [High Punch], "High Punch", [High Kick], "Uppercut", [Run In], [Punch], before they hit the ground, [Jump] + [High Kick], before they hit the ground again, [Run In], "Bone Breaker", "Jump Low Kick".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 51% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], "Bone Breaker", "Spear".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 60% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Back] + [High Punch], [Back] + [High Punch], [Back] + [High Punch] or "Low Punch".

Use the following combo for 4 hits 50% damage: [Sweep], "Spear", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Bone Breaker", [Jump] + "Low Kick".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 83% damage: "Weapon Pull", [Back] + [High Punch], [Back] + [High Punch], [Run In], "Bone Breaker", "Throw Weapon".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 78% damage: "Weapon Pull", [Back] + [High Punch], [Back] + [High Punch], [Run In], "Bone Breaker", [Back] + [High Punch].

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 73% damage: "Weapon Pull", [Back] + [High Punch], [Back] + [High Punch], [Run In], "Bone Breaker", "Jump In Low Kick".

Use the following combo for 3 hits 69% damage: [Back] + "High Kick", [Run In], [Back] + [High Kick], "Run In", "Bone Breaker", [Jump] + "Low Kick".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 54% damage: "Bone Breaker", "Spear", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Bone Breaker", [Jump], "Low Kick

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 54% damage: "Bone Breaker", "Spear", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Bone Breaker", [Jump] + "Low Kick".

Use the following combo 3 hits 59% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Back] + "High Kick", "Throw Weapon" (must be done in corner).

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 75% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Sweep], [Run In], [Back] + [High Kick], "Run In", "Bone Breaker", "Throw Weapon".

Shinnok: Combos
Use the following combo for 8 hits and 50% damage: [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [High Punch], "High Punch", [High Kick], [Down] + [High Kick], "Run In", "Neck Breaker" and "Stomach Crusher".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 65% damage: "Weapon Draw", "Low Punch", "Low Punch", "Throw Weapon".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 53% damage: [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Neck Breaker and Stomach Crusher".

Use the following combo for 6 hits 48% damage: [Sweep], "Run In", [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Down] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Sweep], "Run In", "Bone Breaker".

Use the following combo for 9 hits 50% damage: [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Down] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Down] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Bone Breaker".

Use the following combo for 8 hits 54% damage: "Jump In High Punch", [High Punch], [High Punch], [Down] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Bone Breaker".

Use the following combo for 3 hits 86% damage: "Pull Out Weapon", "Transform Your Moves Into Reiko's", "Low Punch", "Low Punch", [Run In], "Bone Breaker", "Throw Weapon".

Use the following combo for 3 hits 83% damage: "Pull Out Weapon", "Transform Your Moves Into Scorpion's", "Low Punch", "Low Punch", [Run In], "Bone Breaker", "Throw Weapon".

Use the following combo for 3 hits 82% damage: "Transform Your Moves Into Jax's", "Wait Until You Transform Back Into Shinnok's Moves", "Tranform Your Moves Into Reiko's Moves", "Low Punch", "Low Punch", [Run In], "Bone Breaker", "Throw Weapon".

Use the following combo for 3 hits 81% damage: "Pull Out Weapon", "Transform Your Moves Into Reiko's", "Low Punch", "Low Punch", [Run In], "Bone Breaker", "Low Punch".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 79% damage: "Pull Out Weapon", "Transform Your Moves Into Reiko's", "Low Punch", "Low Punch", [Run In], "Bone Breaker", [Run In], [Back] + [High Kick].

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 78% damage: "Pull Out Weapon", "Transform Your Moves Into Scorpion's", "Low Punch", "Low Punch", [Run In], "Bone Breaker", "Low Punch".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 75% damage: "Transform Your Moves Into Jax's", "Pull Out Weapon", "Wait Until You Transform Your Moves Back Into Shinnok's", "Transform Your Moves Into Reiko's", "Low Punch", "Low Punch", [Run In], "Bone Breaker", [Run In], [Back] + [High Kick].

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 86% damage: "Pose As Scorpion", "Weapon Pull", "Wait Until Change Back To Shinnok", "Pose As Reiko", [Back] + [High Punch], [Back] + [High Punch], [Run In], "Bone Breaker", "Throw Weapon".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 82% damage: "Pose As Jax", "Pull Out Weapon", "Wait To Go Back To Shinnok", "Pose As Reiko", "Low Punch", "Low Punch", "Run In", "Bone Breaker", "Throw Weapon".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 75% damage: "Pull Out Weapon", "Pose As Jax", "Low Punch", "Low Punch", "Bone Breaker", "Throw Weapon".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 75% damage: "Pose As Jax", "Pull Out Weapon", "Wait To Go Back To Shinnok", "Pose As Reiko", [Back] + [High Punch], [Back] + [High Punch], [Run In], "Bone Breaker", "Run In", [Back] + [High Kick].

Use the following combo 3 hits 59% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Back] + "High Kick", "Throw Weapon" (must be done in corner).

Sonya: Combos
Use the following combo for 12 hits and 50% damage: [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Down] + [High Punch], [Run] and [High Punch] before they hit the ground. Cartweel kick before they hit the ground, "Run In", [Sweep], [Run In], [High Punch], "High Punch", [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick].

Use the following combo for 9 hits and 48% damage: [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Down] + [High Kick], "Vertical Bicycle Kick".

Use the following combo for 7 hits and 50% damage: [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Neck Breaker".

Use the following combo for 5 hits and 48% damage: "Uppercut", [Run In], "Uppercut", [Run In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Neck Breaker".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 53% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Jump In], [High Punch], [Run In], "Low Punch", [Run In], [Back] + "Low Punch".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 46% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], "Leg Grab".

Use the following combo for 4 hits and 54% damage: [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick], "Weapon Draw", "Throw Weapon".

Use the following combo for 4 hits and 50% damage: [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Leg Grab".

Use the following combo for 9 hits and 38% damage: "Jump In High Punch", [High Punch], [High Punch], "High Kick", "Uppercut", [Run In], [High Punch] before they hit the ground, "Cartweel" before they hit the ground again, [Run In], "Leg Grab" before they hit the ground again.

Use the following combo 3 hits 59% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Back] + "High Kick", "Throw Weapon" (must be done in corner).

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 50% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Leg Grab".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 52% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Sweep], [Run In], [Back] + [High Kick], "Run In", [Back] + "Low Punch".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 50% damage: "Weapon Draw", "Low Punch", "Walk In", "Low Punch", [Back] + "Low Punch".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 56% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Back] + "High Kick", [Run In], [Back] + "Low Punch" (must be done in corner).

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 50% damage: "Weapon Draw", "Low Punch", "Walk In", "Low Punch", [Run In], "Vertical Bicycle Kick".

Use the following combo for 6 hits and 49% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], "Vertical Bicycle Kick".

Sub Zero: Combos
Use the following combo for 9 hits and 47% damage: "Ice Blast", [Run In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Down] + [High Kick], [Run In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Leg Breaker".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 51% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Jump In], [High Punch], [High Punch], [Run In], [Back] + [High Punch].

Use the following combo for 11 hits and 51% damage: "Freeze", [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], "Upper Cut", [Run In], [Sweep], "Ninja Slide", "Run In", [Sweep], "Ninja Slide", "Jump High Kick", [Run In], "Bone Breaker".

Use the following combo for 15 hits 46% damage: "Freeze", [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Down] + [High Kick], "Walk In "and clone while they are in the air, "Walk Up", [Sweep], [Run In], "High Punch", [High Punch], [High Kick], [Down] + [High Kick], "Walk In", clone while they are in the air, "Pull Out Weapon", "Walk Up", [Back] + "High Punch", [Back] + "Low Punch", [Run In], "Low Punch".

Use the following combo for 5 hits and 50% damage: "Jump High Kick", [High Kick], [Down] + [High Kick], "Run In" with a [High Kick] as they touch the ground, follow the [High Kick] with a [Back] + [High Kick], "Run In", "Bone Breaker".

Use the following combo for 6 hits and 50% damage: [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [High Punch], "High Punch", [High Kick], [Down] + [High Kick], "Ninja Slide", [Run In], "Leg Breaker".

Use the following combo 3 hits 59% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Back] + "High Kick", "Throw Weapon" (must be done in corner).

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 51% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Back] + [High Kick], "Ninja Slide", [Run In], "Leg Breaker".

Use the following combo for 4 hits and 50% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [High Punch].

Tanya: Combos
Use the following combo for 8 hits and 48% damage: [High] [Punch], [High] [Punch], [High] [Kick], [Back] + [High] [Kick], [Run] [In], [High] [Punch], [High] [Punch], [Back] + [High] [Kick], [Run] [In], "Split" [Kick].

Use the following combo for 7 hits and 49% damage: [High Punch], [High Punch], [High Kick], [Down] + [High Kick], "Corkscrew Kick", [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], "Throw".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 69% damage: On a very little space between the two fighters, press [Back] + [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick], "Throw", [Back] + "High Kick".

Use the following combo for 4 hits and 55% damage: [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [High Kick], [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Throw", "Corkscrew Kick".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 55% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], "Throw", "Corkscrew Kick".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 63% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], "Throw", "Low Punch".

Use the following combo for 4 hits and 56% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], "Screw Kick", [Run In], "Throw", "Screw Kick".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 55% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], [Run In], "Screw Kick", [Run In], "Bone Breaker".

Use the following combo for 4 hits and 51% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], "Screw Kick", [Run In], "Back And High Kick".

Use the following combo for 4 hits and 56% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], "Screw Kick", [Run In], "Throw", "Screw Kick".

Use the following combo for 3 hits and 55% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], "Screw Kick", [Run In], "Bone Breaker".

Use the following combo for 4 hits and 51% damage: [Sweep], [Run In], [Sweep], "Screw Kick", [Run In], "Back+High Kick".

Use the following combo 3 hits 59% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], [Back] + "High Kick", "Throw Weapon" (must be done in corner).

Use the following combo 3 hits 59% damage: [Sweep], "Run In", [Back] + [High Kick], [Run In], "Throw", "Corkscrew Kick

Use the following combo 3 hits 67% damage: "Weapon Draw", [Sweep], [Run In], [Back] + [High Kick], "Run In", "Throw", "Low Punch

Quick weapon draws
Execute the "draw weapon move" very quickly during any combo with any character.

Knock opponent into the screen
Select Rayden, Reiko, or any character with a club for a weapon. Press "Low Punch" ([A] by default) to attack. If successful, the weapon will send your opponent flying into the screen.

Trap your opponent with Scorpion", "Reiko", "Jax or Jarek
Do the Bone Breaker (Scorpion), Arms Breaker (Reiko) or the Leg Breaker (Jax and Jarek) over your opponent, then quickly run in and do it again. Repeat this until reach the maximum damage.

Swing a rock like a regular weapon
Have players one and two press [C-Right]x2 at the Kombat Kodes screen to enable weapons combat. Select a two-on-two match and play in a stage that contains rocks . Allow the first of your two fighters to die. When the second fighter comes in, he will not have a weapon. Go to a rock and press [C-Down] to collect it . Your fighter will act as if he is going to throw it, but will hang on so it can be swung.

Hold [Down] under a rock and press [Run] + "Side Step" [In] or "Out". Note: You do not have to enable any cheat codes.

Pick up rocks and swords
Get next to a rock or sword then press [Down] + [C-Down].

Easy maximum damage
Perform a Bone Breaker move and run towards your opponent. Do it again and repeat until it says maximum damage. This technique works best with Jarek, Jax, Scorpion, and Reiko.

Glitch: Sub Zero missing mask
Play as Sub Zero and freeze someone twice. You will freeze yourself, like normal, but Sub Zero's mask will be gone until he is unfrozen.

Kombat Kodes
Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding effect.

Unlimited run in two player game001 001
Drawn weapons can not be lost002 002
Disable max damage010 010
Fight in Goro's Lair (Spike Pit)011 011
Noob Saibot mode012 012
Red Rain (On the Rain stage)020 020
Fight in The Well (Scorpion's Stage)022 022
Fight in Elder God's (Blue Face) stage033 033
Fight in Tomb Stage044 044
Explosive Kombat050 050
Fight in Rain Stage055 055
Fight in Snake Stage066 066
Disable throws100 100
Fight in Shaolin Temple101 101
Disable throws and max damage110 110
Random weapon appears111 111
One-hit win123 123
Fight in Living Forest202 202
Start with random weapon222 222
Fight in Prison (Fan Stage)303 303
Fight in Ice Pit313 313
Big heads321 321
Start with weapons drawn444 444
Many weapons555 555
Silent Kombat666 666

0": Skull
"1": 1
"2": 2
"3": 3
"4": 4
"5": Lightning Bolt
"6": Weird Symbol
Glitch: Spit backwards
Play as Scorpion or Reptile and spit something at your opponent (Fiery Breath if Scorpion and Acid if Reptile). It will appear from the back of your head if your opponent jumps over you at the same time.

Glitch: Backward Torpedo and Flying Kick
Play as Rayden or Liu Kang with Scorpion for your opponent. When Scorpion does the Teleport Punch, at the same time do the Torpedo (Rayden) or the Flying Kick (Liu Kang). They will execute their moves backwards.

Glitch: Goro hit with nothing
Play as Goro, and get your opponent in the corner. Execute any combo that is similar to [Jump], [High Kick], [High Kick], [Down] + [High Punch]. While they are in the air, jump in with a [High Kick] and it will knock you backwards. Although it does not hurt you, it knocks you back and you will hear Goro yell just as if he really got hit.

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