Lego Racers Cheats - Nintendo 64

 All cheats for this game by platform: Nintendo 64 | PC | PlayStation
Check out these Lego Racers cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Quick start
Hold [Accelerate] when "1" begins to fade during the pre-race countdown.

Cheat mode
Select "Build" at the main menu. Select "New Racer" at the "Build Driver" screen. Then, enter one of the following names at the "Make License" screen. After selecting the last letter of the name, press [Down] instead of pressing a button in order to leave the cursor under that letter. After entering the code, go directly to the "Build Car" screen and create any kind of car. The code will remain active as long as the driver with that name is in your line-up of available racers. The cheats are only available in test drive mode and are not available when playing a circuit.
No chassis or bricks
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "NCHSSS" as a driver name.

No wheels
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "NWHLS" as a driver name.

No driver
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "NDRVR" as a driver name.

Turbo mode
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "FSTFRWRD" as a driver name.

Maintain speed off track
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "NSLWJ" as a driver name to maintain speed when off the track.

Rocket car
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "FLYSKYHGH" as a driver name.

Reversed Rocket Racer Run track
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "LNFRRRM" as a driver name.

Shooter attacking power-ups only
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "PGLLRD" as a driver name to maintain speed when off the track.

Mine power-ups only
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "PGLLYLL" as a driver name.

Turbo power-ups only
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "PGLLGRN" as a driver name.

Grapple power-ups only
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "RPCRNLY" as a driver name.

Power-ups always at maximum
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "MXPMX" as a driver name.

Quick finish
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "QUIKFNSH" as a driver name.

Disable all cheats
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "NMRCHTS" as a driver name.
To become invisible, enable the "NDRVR", "NWHLS", and "NCHSSS" codes.
Dark Forest Dash shortcut
Go through all the twists and turns until you get to the waterfall. However, do not go over the bridge. Immediately before the waterfall is a shortcut to the left. Go through it and you will be around the turn faster.

Desert Adventure Dragway shortcut
After you go through the tunnel, and try to pick up a red energy, there should be a turn immediately following it. Go around that, and then one more. There will be a door with mummies/sphinxes to your left. Hit that with a red energy -- try to hit it from where the power-ups are located. Go through the tunnel. After you go through, turn right off the ledge you will get much further ahead on the track.

Imperial Grand Prix shortcut
Enter the mining part of the track, then get a red energy, but do not use it. Once you see two or three barrels with a board across it, hit it with the either the cannon, grappling hook, or the laser (do not use the three rockets). You will have to turn quickly to the right directly after that.

Magma Moon Marathon shortcut
Go through the few beginning turns. Then, go through the volcano with the invisible walls, get a blue power-up, but do not use it. Turn left after the volcano. Use your blue power-up (shield). You should see a flashing part in the wall. Drive directly towards it. You should come out farther ahead on the track.

Rocket Racer Run shortcut
Go to where there is a split is in the path. There is a door there with two arrows on it at that location. Hit it with any red power up (preferably not the three rockets) and it will open to reveal a blue swirling mass. Go through it to warp farther along the track.

Royal Knights Raceway shortcut
Go through the course until you get to the small waterfall. Immediately before it, go to the right and there will be a passageway to get farther ahead. Be careful, as it is all off-road and may slow you down.

Glitch: Weird chassis
Enable the "Turbo mode", "Rocket car", and "Maximum Power-Ups" codes. Go into Test Drive and get a green Lego and a white Lego. Then, press [Z] to activate the power-up. Your chassis should be blinking upside-down or you should be flying into a wall with a large part of you from where you have already flown.

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