Killer Instinct Gold Cheats - Nintendo 64

 All cheats for this game by platform: Nintendo 64
Check out these Killer Instinct Gold cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Killer Instinct Gold Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
All options
Press [Z], [B], [A], [L], [A], [Z] when a character profile appears during the story introduction. A voice will say "Perfect" to confirm correct code entry.

Enable all costume colors
Press [Z], [B], [A], [Z], [A], [L] when a character profile appears during the story introduction. A voice will say "Welcome" to confirm correct code entry. Press [Up] or [Down] at the character select screen to display all available colors.

Fight as Gargos
Press [Z], [A], [R], [Z], [A], [B] when a character profile appears during the story introduction. A laugh will confirm correct code entry. Gargos will be accessible in the character selection screen. Note that Gargos cannot be selected in training and focused training modes.

Fight as Gold Gargos
Press [Z], [A], [C-Right], [C-Left], [R], [B] when a character profile appears during story introduction. A voice will say "Gold" to confirm correct code entry. Gold Gargos will accessible in the character selection screen. Note: Gold Gargos cannot be selected in arcade mode.

Display ending credits
Press [Z], [L], [A], [Z], [A], [R] during when a character profile appears during the story introduction. The credits that are normally shown only after winning the game will be displayed.

Random character select
Hold [Up] and press [Start] when selecting a character. Note: This also may be used in team or team elimination modes.

Random team select
Select team mode, choose the number of team members, then hold [Down] and press [Start].

View the high score screen
Press [Z] at the main menu.

Freeze opponent
Complete a knock off move, then repeatedly press any attack button to stop your falling opponent in mid-air.

Fly as Gargos
Jump and continuously press [C-Left] + [C-Right] + [C-Down].

Blow out fire as Cinder
Select Cinder and battle with him. When the character is about to die and the red screen appears, step back a short distance and quickly press [Back]x3, "Y". Cinder will blow out fire.

Stay in Sky stage
Begin game play in two player arcade mode with both players selecting the Sky stage. Intentionally have one player lose a life and let the continue timer expire. The remaining matches in the game will always happen on the Sky stage.

Level and music select
Press one of the following button combinations when selecting a character in two player mode. The first player to enter a combination will choose the level. The second player will choose the back ground music.

CodeLevel or Background Music
Up + QPWolf Castle
Down + QKBridge
Up + QKStonehenge
Down + QKDojo
Up + MPJungle
Down + MPDungeon
Up + MKMuseum
Down + MKSpinal Ship
Up + FPSpace Ship
Down + FPStreet
Up + FKHelipad
Down + ZSky Stage

Note: To play in the Sky Stage, both players must press the [Down] + [Z] combination.
Glitch: Strange Gargos
Unlock all outfits for all characters and Gargos as a playable fighter. Go to arcade mode. Highlight Gargos and press [Up] or [Down] until you see the shadow form. If you select him, he will appear dead and rotting. Alternately, highlight Gargos and press [Up] or [Down] until you do not see anything. That will be the shadow Gargos.

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