In-Fisherman Bass Hunter 64 Cheats - Nintendo 64

 All cheats for this game by platform: Nintendo 64
Check out these In-Fisherman Bass Hunter 64 cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Slow boat
Enter "WHATADRAG" on the cheat code option screen.

Fast boat
Enter "HYPERBOAT" on the cheat code option screen.

Bathtub boat
Enter "RUBADUBDUB" on the cheat code option screen.

No snags while fishing
Enter "BAGDSNAGS" on the cheat code option screen.

Unbreakable line
Enter "SUPERSTRING" on the cheat code option screen.

No penalties during tournament
Enter "NOPENALTY" on the cheat code option screen.

Win current tournament
Enter "IWINIWIN" on the cheat code option screen.

Large fish
Enter "MONDOFISH" on the cheat code option screen.

Less fish
Enter "WHEREDFISH" on the cheat code option screen. This also displays the number of fish that are in range and the weight of the largest fish.

More fish on depth finder
Enter "FISHMAN" on the cheat code option screen.

Easy to catch fish
Enter "SUPERLURE" on the cheat code option screen.

Fish are more active
Enter "HAPPYFISH" on the cheat code option screen.

Livewell filled with large fish equaling 55 lbs.
Enter "GIMMEDFISH" on the cheat code option screen.

All lakes available
Enter "ALLDLAKES" on the cheat code option screen.

Extra money
Enter "ALLDCASH" on the cheat code option screen.

All lures
Enter "ALLDLURES" on the cheat code option screen.

Alternate view
Enter "GIMMEDVIEW" on the cheat code option screen.

Remove other fisherman
Enter "NOCOMP" on the cheat code option screen.

Fisherman and fish have big human heads
Enter "HEADADBIGA" on the cheat code option screen.

Catch Al Lindner
Enter "FISHMAN" on the cheat code option screen. On a catch, instead of a regular fish, you will see a head with sunglasses, a hat, and fins.

Silly sounds
Enter "SILLYSOUND" as a password. The game will play different sounds when driving or fishing.

Easy tournament win
Enter "GIMMEDFISH", followed by "IWINIWIN" as codes.
Never snag
Go to any location on a lake or river that has no trees, weeds, or docks near land -- a spot with a house on it is good. Your line will snag if you cast out 100%. However, if the cast is reduced to 70%, the line will never snag.

Lunkers on the hidden river
Go all the way up the river until finding a small area with logs blocking the way in. There are around seven or eight lunkers (15 lbs. to 18 lbs.) in there as well as a huge catfish.

Huge bluegill
Everyone who has fished knows that bluegill do note get very big (two pounds at the most). Enable the "Large fish" code to catch huge bluegill that may reach 16 pounds or more.

Huge bass
Enable the "All Lakes" code and go to Lake Butler. Go straight on the boat until you reach the second set of weeds. Stop there and fish. There should be about fifteen large bass at that location.

Musical size cue
If the music plays faster when get a fish, it usually means you have hooked a larger fish.

Glitch: Drive on land
Enable the "Fast boat" code on the Hidden River level. Switch to driving mode, drive around for a few seconds to get momentum, then drive straight into land where there are trees on the water front. These locations may be found all around the river; make sure there are no docks or houses in the background. If done correctly, your boat should go straight through the trees. After passing the trees, you should see no water and a very clear bottom. Your depth finder will read 0 feet and your boat should start to float in the air when driving. In certain areas, you can see the grass on the bottom, drive on roads, and pass through bridges. When you cast out, your line will get snagged and you will have to break it. On the map in the bottom right corner, you will see your boat a great distance away from the lake. To return to the river, drive through the trees again.

Glitch: Fish through the trees
Use the "Drive on land" trick and start to head back towards the trees as if going back to the lake or river. Stop right before you go through the trees. If you cast out, the line will go through the trees and land in the water. You can catch fish through the trees in this position.

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