Duke Nukem 64 Cheats - Nintendo 64

 All cheats for this game by platform: Nintendo 64
Check out these Duke Nukem 64 cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Duke Nukem 64 Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Press [Left]x2, [L]x2, [Right]x2, [Left]x2 at the main menu to access the cheat menu. In the UK version, press [Left], [Down], [L]x2, [Up], [Right], [Left], [Up]. In the French version, press [Left], [Down], [L]x2, [Up], [Right], [C-Left], [C-Up]. In the Japanese version, press [L]x4, [Right]x2, [Left]x2.

Master code
Press [Up], [C-Up], [Left], [C-Right], [Down], [C-Down], [Right], [C-Left] at the main menu to unlock all options on the cheat menu. Note: If any codes are active, this code will disable them. In the UK version, press [C-Up], [Up], [C-Left], [Right], [C-Down], [Down], [C-Right], [R]. In the French version, press [Up], [C-Up], [C-Left], [C-Right], [C-Down]x2, [C-Right]x2.In the Japanese version, press [Up], [C-Down], [Right], [C-Left], [Down], [C-Up], [C-Right], [Left].

All items
Enable the "Cheat mode" code. Press [R], [C-Right] , [Right], [L], [C-Left] , [Left], [C-Right], [Right] at the main menu. In the UK version, press [R], [C-Right], [Down], [L], [C-Up], [Left], [C-Right], [Left]. In the French version, press [L], [Left], [Down], [L], [C-Up], [Left], [R], [Left]. In the Japanese version, press [R], [Right], [C-Right], [C-Left], [L], [C-Left], [Right], [Up].

Enable the "Cheat mode" code. Press [R]x7, [Left] at the main menu. A sound will confirm correct code entry. The invincibility option may now be enabled on the cheat menu. In the UK version, press [R], [C-Right], [R], [L], [R]x3, [Left]. In the French version, press [L], [R]x2, [L], [R]x3, [Left]. In the Japanese version, press [L]x7, [C-Down].

No monsters
Enable the "Cheat mode" code. Press [L], [C-Left], [Left], [R], [C-Right], [Right], [Left]x2, [Right] at the main menu. The sound of a siren will confirm correct code entry. Monsters may now be toggled on the cheat menu. In the UK version, press [L], [C-Up], [Left], [L], [C-Down], [Right], [Left], [Right]. In the French version, press [L], [C-Up], [Left], [L], [C-Down], [R], [Left], [C-Right]. In the Japanese version, press [C-Left], [Left], [Right], [C-Right], [C-Left], [R], [C-Left], [L].

Level select
Enable the "Cheat mode" code. Press [L]x3, [C-Right], [Right], [Left]x2, [C-Left] at the main menu. A level select option will now be available. In the UK version, press [R], [L], [R], [C-Down], [Right], [Up], [Left], [C-Up]. In the French version, press [L], [R]x2, [C-Down], [Right], [C-Up], [Left], [Up]. In the Japanese version, press [L], [C-Down], [Up], [R], [Right], [C-Left]x2, [L].

Unlimited jet pack fuel
Enable the "All items" code while flying with the jet pack.

Huge Duke
Start a game in co-op or deathmatch mode. Enable the "All Items" code, as well as the "Friendly Fire" option. Have one player shoot the other player with the expander weapon. Enable the "Invincibility" code before the first player explodes, then disable "Invincibility".

Tiny Duke
Start a game in co-op or deathmatch mode. Enable the "All Items" code, as well as the "Friendly Fire" option. Have one player shoot the other player with the shrink weapon. Enable the "Invincibility" code, then disable "Invincibility" to get a small version of Duke. Note: Weapons can not be used in this state.

Dark Duke
Start a game in single player, co-op, or deathmatch mode. Enable all codes except for invincibility. Arm Duke with the plasma rifle or gun. Charge the gun to full power, then shoot it near a wall next to you or shoot the charged blast on the ground. Die, then quickly press [Start] and enable "Invincibility". Note: This must be done before the "Press Start" message appears. Resume game play as a darker almost ninja-appearing Duke.

Squished Duke
Start a game in single player, co-op, or deathmatch mode. Enable all codes except for invincibility. Intentionally get crushed by a door, then quickly press [Start] and enable invincibility.

Energy refill
Destroy any water source, including fountains, fire hydrants, and toilets. Stand in the water and hold [A] to slowly restore energy. Alternately, stand in front of a toilet or urinal and press [A].
Fire protection
Continually jump while over hot spots to avoid damage.

Keep from blowing yourself up
When playing a two player cooperative game, turn friendly fire off. When you go to blow up an enemy, will be prevented from killing yourself.

Entering the L.A.R.D. police station
Locate the tunnel in the Freeway level. There is a large box on one side of the tunnel. Jump on top of the box, and from there jump on to the ledge. On the far side of the ledge there is a pair of night vision goggles. Jump a little bit above the goggles to enter the vents of the L.A.R.D. Police station. Use the night vision goggles, and follow the air ducts and shoot through the fan on the right side of the wall; or keep going and break the second fan that also on the right side of the wall. Duke may now explore the interior of the L.A.R.D. Police Station.

Hear Butthead's voice
Begin game play on the Duke Burger level. Locate the drive thru sign on the outside of the building. Approach the "Order Here" sign and press [A] or move around to the center and back of the sign and press [A]. Butthead's will say "Go away. We're like closed".

Castle Dukenstein: Monsters in the castle
Play a multi-player game and choose the Castle Dukenstein level. This glitch is easier to perform when there is no Dukebot. Select two players. Have one player walk into the bathroom on the top floor and have the other walk into the room with the fireplace. Have the player in the fireplace room get the night vision on the couch and face the wall opposite the fireplace. Next, have the player in the bathroom walk up to the place where there should be a toilet. There is a chain-like thing hanging from the wall. When you walk up to it Duke should say "Where is it?". Pay attention to the player in the fireplace room. A wall should open up. Turn on your night vision to reveal the monster in the castle.

This trick requires two players. Play at the Castle Dukenstein level. Have one player get night vision. That player should move just outside the fireplace room in the hallway. Look at the wall directly next to the red curtain in the hallway outside of the fireplace room. Have the second player walk up the stairs in the castle. When Duke reaches the top, you should hear a monster growl. The wall should open, revealing another monster in the castle.

This trick requires two players. At the Castle Dukenstein level, have one person move back and forth outside in front of the castle doors. Have the other person move to the dining room area. Make sure they have their night vision on and look under the picture of the president. Make sure that the first player is still moving back and forth outside. If done correctly, you should see the third monster in the castle under the picture.

Duke Burger Factory entrance
The Duke Burger Factory entrance is at the end of Gun Crazy. Step on the small box with the enormous shadow in the middle of the bend of the attic. Step up onto the box, and then turn around to see the hidden exit.

Grenade launcher level 1
Go to the projection room in the level 1. Jump on the projector and get the Atomic Health. The wall next to you will open up and you can collect a grenade launcher.

Hollywood Holocaust: Hidden weapon stash
Get a jet pack (located behind the movie screen) and go to the sign outside that is blinking. Fly up until you see the second black window up. Fly straight into it and inside you will find a large amount of guns, bombs, and sub-machine guns.

Defeating the final Boss
Make sure you have all of your guns. Since he cannot go off the stadium, walk on the edge of it so he walks in front of you. Make sure all you can see is his legs, then fire away. If done correctly, you should have a quick and trouble-free fight with out getting touched.

Huge dark Duke
To become a huge invisible Duke, have a friend shoot you with the Plasma Shotgun, and enable the "Invincibility" code. You will become dark Duke. Now, have your friend shoot you with the Expander after disabling the "Invincibility" code. After you explode, enable the "Invincibility" code again.

Easy Duke Match win
Enable the "Cheat mode" code and unlock the "Invincibility" and "All Items" cheats. Do not activate the "Invincibility" cheat yet. Start a Duke Match. Activate the "All Items" cheat. Choose the pipe bomb weapon and blow yourself up. As soon as you die, activate the "Invincibility" code. You will return to life. Disable the "Invincibility" code. You can now attack the Duke-bots, but they will see you as dead.

Glitch: Crazy elevators
This trick is best done with two people. In multi-player mode, select the Warp Factor level. Make sure there is no Dukebot to get in your way. Go to the area past the yellow key door (the giant moving ramp). Take a right turn and open up the wall to reveal a switch. Shoot the switch then run around to the other side of the large pillar in the middle of the room (or use a second player to enter, then re-open the door). A wall should be open. When you take the elevator up, you should be in a secret space ship location. However, instead of taking the elevator back down, walk into the same elevator. There are two elevators in the space station, but only the one you came in works with the trick. Close the door behind you. Get directly next to the door and start the elevator. You should be stuck in the middle of the closed door and the elevator. Move toward the elevator. You should have suddenly appeared in the elevator, and it should have stopped moving. Press [A] to get it to move again. This time it will not stop, and instead go faster. Have the second player call it back to get it to stop. If you do not stop, you will get stuck and must kill yourself or restart. After doing this, use the warp pad outside the big pillar to get near the space tram. The door should be open and the tram should be stuck in space. You can move out there freely, but if you go too far you will be killed. Hitting the switch near the open space tram door resets the tram and the elevator.

Glitch: Blackness in elevator
This trick requires patience and an elevator that can be stopped in the middle of a call. Try it with the Spaceport elevator with the broken lights. Enter the elevator. Go to the bottom of the shaft and keep tapping [A]. The elevator should appear to bounce. After a while, your journey up the shaft should seem much faster than before. Keep pressing [A] and the elevator will appear to be stuck at the bottom and have limited room to travel. Press [A] a few more times and the elevator will move again, only this time it will appear as if it were rocketing out of then shaft. The walls will get blurry and after a while you will be in blackness. Note: You can return back down. This trick works with any elevator that can "bounce".

In addition, the following secrets are present in the game.
In Duke Burger, the secret is in the meat locker room. After walking in, face the two hanging pieces of meat. Shoot the one on the left and open the wall behind it.

In Raw Meat, go to the end of the hall where the two babes and Octobrains are located. Go behind the panel, then through the window to just outside it. Turn right and follow the ledge to the shotgun shells. Go just below them and walk into the wall to a secret passage with a babe.

In Rabid Transit, take the transit to the end. Jump off and walk to the "Keep Out" door. Open the compartment in the pillar to your right.

In Area 51, hit the switch on the computer tower in the crate room to open up a secret compartment in the crates.

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