Army Men: Sarge's Heroes Cheats - Nintendo 64

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Downloadable Army Men: Sarge's Heroes Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
All weapons
Enter "NSRLS" as a password. Go to any level. When the orders appear, press [B] instead of [A] until you find the weapon you want. Then, press "A "to start with the selected weapon.

Maximum ammunition
Enter "MMLVSRM" as a password.

Play as General Plastro
Enter "PLSTRLVSVG" as a password.

Play as Tin Soldier
Enter "TNSLDRS" as a password. Note: Enter this code after activating another character code to create a Tin version of that character.

Play as Hail Mendheimicus
Enter "SHRMNSLDR" as a password.

Play as Vikki
Enter "GRNGRLRX" as a password.

Play as Hoover and Riff
Enter "STPDMN" as a password.

Mini mode
Enter "DRVLLVSMM" as a password.

Large mode
Enter "LVNGLRG" as a password.

Test information
Enter "THDTST" as a password.

Final level
Enter "DNSTHMN" as a password.

Win level
Enter "RDHNTRK" as a password to automatically win all levels, except for the last one.

Riff MissionMSTRMN
Hoover MissionSCRDCT
Thick MissionSTPDMN
Snow MissionBLZZRD
Shrap MissionSRFPNK
Fort PlastroGNRLMN
Scorch MissionHTTTRT
Living RoomHXMSTR
The Way Home<SUP>1</SUP>VRCLN

1. This password also enables all characters in multi-player mode.

Restart level
Hold [R] + [L] + [C-Down] during game play to return to the starting location of the current level.

Reverse weapon selection
Hold [B] and press [Z] during game play to cycle through weapons in reverse order.
Aiming and firing the mortar
Hold [Z] and you will see a green circle appear far away. Move it with the Analog-stick to the desired location, then release [Z] and your mortar will fire.

Blowing up buildings
Enable the "All weapons" and "Maximum ammunition" codes. Go to the side of the building, then switch to your bazooka or your mortar. To blow the building up with the bazooka, aim and shoot the side of the building. To blow the building up with the mortar, aim your pointer at the middle of the building, then shoot.

Sandbox level
There is a trail to your left at the start of the Sandbox level. To get across you need to keep jumping forward until you get to the end. Once at the end, climb the blocks to complete the level.

Killing Vikki
Go to Boot Camp to find Vikki in a house, where she can be killed.

Vikki kissing Vikki
Enable the "Play as Vikki" code and complete the game. At the end Vikki (in the place of Sarge) will get up and start kissing the other Vikki.

Dead Grimm alive
Enable the "All weapons" code In the first level. Go to the bridge but do not go on it. Take out the sniper rifle and shoot the colonel in the forehead. The game will say that Grimm is dead, but if you approach him the intermission sequence will start, with him still in it.

Glitch: Forest level fires
Get a bazooka, then find a location in the forest where there is a small gap between some trees. Shoot straight, without hitting a tree. Three or four trees will ignite even though the shot missed them.

Glitch: Stuck in a box
Start the game in the Blue Spy level in mini-mode. Immediately before the door to the building, turn to your right. You will see two boxes on top of each other. Try to jump on the top box. You will fall off. Keep trying and you will eventually end up inside the bottom box with no way out.

Find three or more boxes that are stacked on top of each other and are blocking a path. Go to the boxes, then hold "Analog-stick Up" and hold [A]. While you are coming down from your jump, you will get stuck in mid-air.

Glitch: No shot zone
There is a house after the first door in the Showdown level where you can walk and the enemy cannot see or shoot you. Do not try to shoot while you are inside, because you also cannot hit the enemy. Be careful if you are using an explosive weapon.

Glitch: Run across water
Enable the "All Weapons" code. Begin game play in the Blue Spy level and quickly switch to the sniper rifle. Hold [R] and aim at the blue spy across the water. This must be done quickly as he will walk out of your sight very soon. After you aim , shoot him until he dies. The failed mission message will appear. However, as soon as the message appears you can run across the water.

Glitch: Stuck in Plastic Wrap box
In the Kitchen level in multi-player mode, a player can get stuck in the Plastic Wrap box.

Glitch: Die with full health
You can die with full health in any level. Get a health kit and get hit at the same time. You will fall and the "Good to Go" message will appear before the mission finishes unsuccessfully.

Glitch: Walk on air or water
After you win any game in multi-player mode, you can walk on air or water.

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