Shadowrun Cheats - Sega Genesis

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Check out these Shadowrun cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Shadowrun Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Unlimited ammunition
Buy a grenade, but do not equip it. Wait until your bullets drop below six, equip the grenade, then equip the gun again. Repeat this action to refill the entire clip.

Unlimited lives
Press [A]x2, [C] + [Left], [B], [A], [C], [Right], [Up], [Down] + [Left] at the title screen.

Debug mode
Press [A], [B]x2, [A], [C], [A], [B] at the title screen. Begin game play and use the pocket secretary. Select the hidden option below the "Save/Load Game". Multiple debug options may be enabled by enabling an option, saving the game, resetting the Genesis, and repeating this procedure. The debug options are:

NUYEN250,000 NuYen
SPELLSAll available spells
TEST DECKBest deck with all programs
PICK SYSTEMPick any mainframe
HEAL ALLHeals character and any Shadowrunners
+10 KARMAGain 10 Karma points
CONTACTSGain all available contacts
WALK FASTGain 10 Karma while walking
Magic level higher than your essence
Go to the store where they have the spell. Buy it, even though you already have the maximum allowed. For example, if your essence is 4 and is spell 4, then after you buy it will be essence 4 and spell 5. The game will state that you already have the maximum allowed, but it will take money in the sale. When you check your magic, you will have it. Note: This will not work if you have an essence of 2 or less.

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