NBA Hangtime Cheats - Sega Genesis

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Check out these NBA Hangtime cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable NBA Hangtime Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Outdoor court
Hold [Left] and press [B]x2 at the "Tonight's Matchup" screen.

Barracuda court
Press [B], [A], [Right]x2, [A], [C], [Up], [Down], [A] at the "Tonight's Matchup" screen.

ABA ball
Hold [Right] and press [A], [B]x6, [C] at the "Tonight's Matchup" screen.

No tag arrow
Press [Left]x2 [C], [A] at the "Tonight's Matchup" screen.

No drift
Press [Down]x2, [B], [A] at the "Tonight's Matchup" screen.

No CPU assistance
Hold [Right] and press [C]x2 at the "Tonight's Matchup" screen.

Big heads
Hold [Up] and press [A] + [C] at the "Tonight's Matchup" screen.

Huge heads
Press [Up]x2, [C], [A] at the "Tonight's Matchup" screen.

View shot percentage
Rotate the D-Pad in a clockwise full circle starting at [Up] at the "Tonight's Matchup" screen.

Rooftop jam
Hold [Left] and press [A]x3 at the "Tonight's Matchup" screen.

Change Dennis Rodman's hair color
Select the Chicago Bulls, choose a squad with Dennis Rodman. Press [C] to change his hair color.

Random team
Press [Up] + [A] at the team selection screen.

Numeric codes
Press [Turbo], [Shoot], and [Pass] at the "Tonight's Matchup" screen to enter the following codes.

Outdoor Court640
Hyper speed552
Unlimited turbo461
Fast pass127
Maximum blocking616
Maximum power802
Maximum speed284
No goal tending937
Small players025
Disable music048
Tournament mode111
Fast passes120
Stealth turbo273
No pushing390
Disable all codes610
Block power616
Quick hands709

Bonus players
Enter the following name and codes to enable the corresponding player.

Penny HardawayAhrdwy0000
Cliff RobinsonCliffr0000
David RobinsonDavidr0000
Hakeem OlajuwonDream0000
Sean ElliotElliot0000
Patrick EwingEwing0000
Glenn RobinsonGlennr0000
Grant HillGhill0000
Horace GrantHgrant0000
Larry JohnsonJohnsn0000
Shawn KempKemp0000
Jason KiddKidd0000
Karl MaloneMalone0000
Reggie MillerMiller0000
Dikembe MutumboMotumb0000
Alonzo MourningMourng0000
Gheorghe MuresanMursan0000
Scottie PippenPippen0000
Dennis RodmanRodman0000
Glen RiceRice0000
Rik SmitsSmits0000
Jerry StackhouseStackh0000
John StarksStarks0000
Spud WebbWebb0000
Chris WebberWebber0000
Dan AmrichAmrich2020
Carlos PesinaCarlos1010
Daniel ThompsonDaniel0604
Dan RoanDanr0000
Sal DivitaDivita0201
Eddie FerrierEddie6213
Eugene GeerEugene6767
Jamie RivettJamie1000
John CarltonJC0000
Jennifer HedrickJfer0503
Jon HeyJonhey6000
Ed BoonKombat0004
Air MorrisMorris6000
John TobiasMortal0004
Larry MundayMunday5432
Nick EhrlichNick7000
Neil FunkNfunk0101
Patrick FitzgeraldPatf2000
Matthew PerryPerry3500
Kevin QuinnQuin0330
John RootRoot6000
Shawn LiptakShawn0123
Sheridan OurslerSno0103
Mark TurmellTurmel0322

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