Light Crusader Cheats - Sega Genesis

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Downloadable Light Crusader Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Orb locations
Green Orb
Step on Red, Yellow, Green, Blue.

Blue Orb
Move the compass North, East, West, South.

Yellow Orb
Move the statues in the following order. Moon, Star, Dark, Light.

Red Orb
Get the music box and play the tune on the tuning forks.
Red Orb/tuning forks puzzle
You do not have to have the music box in order to solve the Red Orb puzzle (with the tuning forks). The music box only serves as a guide to help you solve the puzzle. To solve the puzzle, visualize the positions of the tuning forks as a diamond. The puzzle can be solved by hitting the forks in the following order: Bottom, Left, Right, Top, Left, Right, Bottom.

Go to the dungeon where you obtain the crest which is needed in order to buy goods from the Guild Shop. After getting the Crest go to the Guild Shop and buy the most expensive potion, for 3000. Then go to the town, and once outside the inn, use the item. You should now be invisible. You can still talk to people, and if you enter the weapon shop, inn, or other buildings, when you jump on something you are asked to buy it. Do that and the item will go straight into your inventory. You can now go to the inn and get free spells. You can get 99 of all the elements, and as many steaks, apples, pendants, or other items as needed.

More damage
Most enemies take more damage when hit from behind. However, you also will take more damage when attacked from behind.

Killing Ramiah
To kill Ramiah, you must destroy the four orbs that he is holding. You can do this by using any sword, preferably L. Crusader. After the orbs are destroyed, you must hit Ramiah's head. If you want to, you can hit Ramiah's head with L. Crusader to do 8 damage per hit. However, each time you hit Ramiah's head, you must first jump. Due to David's inability to swing the sword twice while airborne, you may want to find a quicker way of killing him, since Ramiah has 500 HP. The quickest way is to use the Earthquake spell. Simply jump and continuously cast the spell. You should be close enough so that the discharge of the spell from your hand will hit Ramiah's head. Although this only deals 7 damage per hit, you can hit Ramiah two to three times each time you jump, thus dealing more damage per jump. A different, yet slightly less effective, way of defeating Ramiah involves one or two different spells. Confuse and Needlecrack each deal 9 damage to Ramiah per hit. However, these spells are much slower and use Element Capsules more quickly than Earthquake. Still, using Confuse or Needlecrack is better than using L. Crusader.

The Eight Realms
Whenever you reach B5, you will see a rotating crystal surrounded by eight gargoyle statues. Whenever you enter the crystal, you will be transported to the realm represented by the statue the crystal is pointing to. The statues represent the realms as follows.

Direction from crystalDestination realm
NorthOuter Space
NortheastCity Streets
EastOld West
SoutheastMartial Arts
SouthwestArmy 1
WestArmy 2

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