Fatal Fury Cheats - Sega Genesis

 All cheats for this game by platform: Sega Genesis | Sega Saturn | SNES
Check out these Fatal Fury cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Fatal Fury Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Primary Collection of Cheats
Unlimited continues
Hold [Up] and press [A] + [B] + [C] when the number of remaining credits is displayed at the continue screen. One additional continue will be added each time this controller action is completed.

Perpetual fight
Choose the "Control" selection on the options screen. Highlight the "Point" option. Hold [B] and set this value to "0". Start a two-player versus battle mode game. The point globes will be replaced by counters that represent the number of rounds that were won. Reset the Genesis to end the game.

Fight as Geese Howard
Select versus mode, then highlight the option for either a one or two player game. Hold [Left] on controllers one and two and press [Start].

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