Dragon's Fury Cheats - Sega Genesis
Downloadable Dragon's Fury Cheats
Primary Collection of Cheats
Seven balls
Enter "DEVILCRASH" as a password for seven balls and 390,000 points.
Ten balls
Enter "TECHNOSOFT" as a password for ten balls and 2,000,000 points.
Twenty-seven balls
Enter "ONECRUSHME" as a password and for 27 balls and 594,000,000 points.
Ninety-nine balls
Enter "98AM3G1EBF" as a password for 99 balls and 11,250,000 points. For a two player game, enter for "98AM3G1EBF98AM3G1EBF" as a password.
Change music
Enter "OMAKEBGM0_" as a password, where "_" is a number from 0 to 4.
End level
Enter "6RENAXUEMW" as a password.
Ending sequence
Enter "THECRUSHL" as a passwords for 999,999,900 points and to view the ending sequence.
Easy points
Launch the ball and hold down both flippers. The ball will pop into the head and score 2,000,000 points.