The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures Cheats - GameCube

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Check out these The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures Cheats
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Apr. 15, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Shadow Battle bonus arenas
Successfully complete the Hyrulean Adventure to unlock the last five Shadow Battle arenas.
Mini-games at Tingle's Tower
Tingle's Tower is accessed by bringing two or more players to a already completed level, or by completing the second stage of a level with two or more players.
World 1: Bucking Bronco
World 2: Cucco Wrangling
World 3: Hammer Tag
World 4: Monster Hunting
World 5: Volley, by Golly
World 6: Mole Melee
World 7: Monster Hunting Returns
World 8: Bonus Level (a short dungeon)
Tower Of Winds
When playing the Tower Of Winds level in Shadow Battle, go to the Dark World. It contains four switches. If you are able to hit all four, a Giant Bomb will fall into the Light World, destroying anything that remains. If you are able to, grab another player who is still in Light World and keep him there to really make them mad.

Get Tingle Tower easily
After you complete a world, go back to it with two people. You will get an invitation to Tingle's Tower.

Defeating giant warriors
When you are battling the giant warriors, if you have a Roc's Feather jump over them and press [B] for an instant kill.

The boomerang can be used to obtain out of reach Force Gems and other items.

Charge Arrow
The bow has a special feature in which you can charge your shot. Once the arrow is charged, shoot it, and it will be able to go through enemies without stopping (for example, Keeses).

Force Gems
Obtain the Fire Rod and use it on a group of bushes. All of the bushes will reveal one Force Gem each.

To get 300 Force Gems, obtain the shovel in the second area of level 2 and dig behind the house with the two pots on the top and many pots inside of it (southeast) to uncover a big Purple Force Gem that is worth 300.

To get 100 Force Gems, in Level 2 there are several areas with little green extrusions on the ground. These are Big Green Force Gems worth 100. To get them, obtain a shovel and dig them up. There are also Big Purple Force Gems worth 300.

Obtain the Fire Rod, Bombs, or Lamp and start a group of bushes, grass, tree stumps, etc. on fire. For each individual tile of grass and bushes, you will get one Force Gem. Set a stump on fire to receive a small Blue Force Gem worth 5.

Obtain the Pegasus Boots and run into trees and other objects to uncover hidden Force Gems.

Great Fairy Fountains
When you go into A Great Fairy Fountain, you will be able to upgrade your current weapon. The upgrades are as follows
Bomb: Makes the bomb bigger.
Boomerang: Allows you to throw the boomerang across the screen at a further distance.
Bow: Allows you to shoot three arrows at a time.
Fire Rod: Allows you to shoot flames in four directions.
Lamp: No upgrade.
Magic Hammer: Allows you to emit larger impact radius.
Pegasus Boots: Allows you to run over holes and pits.
Roc's Feather: Allows you to perform a double jump.
Shovel: Allows you to detect treasure or secret passages with sound.
Slingshot: Allows you to shoot three stones at a time.
Secret World
In some areas in level 2, there will be places that flash and have a certain sound when you are near them. This indicates that you need a Moon Pearl to go into the "secret world" where all of the children are located.

Break line
To break the line of customers in area 2 of level 2, use the boots to run into the line. The people will briefly move away; hurry to the other side.

Rounding up thieves
To round up the thieves in Level 5 Area 2, stun them with your sword then pick them up with [R]. Bring them to the screen with a house and four treasure chests. Throw them into the fence on the top right of the screen.

Victory counter
When you defeat an enemy with your sword, a number where the enemy was defeated will appear. This number indicates the number of enemies you have defeated in a row without getting hit.

Get across horizontal gaps easily
There is a way to get across horizontal gaps. The only downside is that you must be going to the right. Go to the edge of the platform then hold C "-Right". When you get to the edge of the platform, get on quickly and release "C-Right" then press the "Analog-stick Right". Note: If you press the "Analog-stick Right" before you get to the platform, you will fall.

Mario reference
In Level 5 Area 2, after rounding up the thieves, go into the unlocked area on the top of the screen. There will be a Chain Chomp there.

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