Star Fox: Assault Cheats - GameCube

 All cheats for this game by platform: GameCube
Check out these Star Fox: Assault cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Survivor mode
Successfully complete story mode to unlock survivor mode.

Xevious mini-game
Successfully complete story mode with all Silver friendship medals.

Play as Peppy Hare
Complete fifteen versus mode matches to unlock Peppy in multi-player mode.

Play as Wolf O'Donnell
Collect the friendship medals on all ten levels to unlock Wolf in multi-player mode. Alternately, successfully complete story mode with no allies killed.

Secret multi-player levels
Successfully complete the named level to unlock the corresponding level:

Aparoid City Aparoid Homeworld: Breaching the Defenses
Corneria City Corneria: War Comes Home
Fichina Fichina: Into the Storm
Inner Sargasso Hideout Sargasso Space Zone: Hostilities Revisited
Katina Outpost Katina: Frontier Base Battle
Outer Sargasso Hideout Sargasso Space Zone: Hostilities Revisited
Planet Sauria Sauria: Reunion
Space Station Orbital Gate: Incoming

Demon Snipers in multi-player mode
Get all the flags on any level to unlock the Demon Sniper Rifle in multi-player mode. It can destroy Master Tanks or Arwings with one shot, but fires slower.

Star Luster
Get all 50 special flags to unlock the Star Luster in the Japanese version of the game.

Other multi-player bonuses
Complete the indicated number of multi-player matches to unlock the corresponding bonus in multi-player mode.

Special Items On/Off option: 5
Missile Launcher: 5
Missile Launcher Only mode: 10
Play as Peppy Hare: 15
Gattling Guns: 20
Crown Capture mode: 30
Titania Desert map: 40
Sure Shot Scuffle mode: 50
Simple Map 4: 60
Fireburst Canon: 75
Booster Packs: 90
Booster Pack Bout: 110
Zoness Sea Base map: 130
Star Wolf Team's Wolfen ship: 150
Predator Rockets: 170
Cluster Bombs: 200
Booster Packs and Launcher Tilt: 230
Simple Map 5: 260
Press [Z] when away from a vehicle or after shooting or killing an opponent.
Defeating the Aparoid Queen
The Aparoid Queen has three forms that you must destroy. In stage one, you will see the Aparoid Queen during the intermission sequence and notice that Pigma, General Pepper, Peppy, and Fox's father have been absorbed. The queen tries to stop your mission. Destroy her armor and avoid the attack she sends at you. When you see the red jewel, attack it when you have the chance. After her health has been depleted, you will see an intermission sequence where Fox shoots the self-destruct program into the hole that you opened. However, she will get away and try to create an antibody to get rid of the program. In stage two, shoot the four red "eyes". Then, shoot the head that comes out of the body. Shoot the gold armor on her head to reveal the weak spot. Watch the head's movement and breath attack. If you have the Hyper Lasers, this should be easy. In stage three, she will be in her last form. Just shoot the eye and it is over. She has two attacks remaining. If you start to see green barriers in a circle, fly in the center and attack her. Watch out for the beam that she fires at you

This trick requires a controller with an auto-fire feature. Use the auto-fire on the Apariod Queen to destroy the armor and kill her weak spot. You will have to fight her again. Destroy the pink balls and the armor on thye snake-like head thing. Shoot the orange ball on it and repeat. Finally, just shoot her. She will be shooting fire or a green thing that she spits out. The fire can be easily avoided. For the green weapon, you must stay in that thing without touching the green wall.

Defeating the Hatcher leader
Shoot the bubble-like object that is on the bottom of him. After that he will fall. Get on him by pressing [Y]. Finally, keep shooting that bubble-like object on top of him. If you fall off, repeat those steps.

Defeating ground enemies
If you have Sensor Bombs and a Booster Pack, you can perform a devastating attack on ground enemies. If an enemy is standing relatively still (for example, trying to snipe someone) fly over them with your booster. When you are overhead, "plant" a Sensor Bomb. It will automatically fall to the ground, where it will soon explode.

When facing ground enemies, use the Airwing. Charge up the weapons then do a dive bombing ir strafing run.

Quick vs. mode matches
Note: This trick requires two controllers. Use the following trick to get all the vs. mode unlockables quickly. At the level selection screen, press [Y] and the options should appear. Select "Sniper Showdown". Then where it reads "Point" change it to "Survivor". Next, set the number of lives to "1" and select "OK". Once back at the level selection screen, choose "Simple Map 1". You should start very close to your opponent. Shoot them and they should die in one hit. Once it is over, just select "Retry". Keep doing this until you unlock the desired bonus. When you unlock "Sure-Shot Scuffle Mode" at fifty matches, you can accumulate matches even faster because you can kill your opponent in one hit with any weapon.

Another way to accumulate versus mode matches quickly is to make the settings Sure Shot Scuffle mode (50 matches) and survivor, one life. Choose the Outer Sargasso Hideout stage. With whichever player you want to lose, press the Analog-stick all the way [Left]. They will crash into the wall and die. After it is over, select "Retry" until you unlock the desired item.

Effective Predator Rocket use
When you get the Predator Rockets, land some where far from your opponent. If your character can jump high, jump towards your Arwing's or Wolfen's wing. Plant the rockets on it. Put the last one on top of the cockpit. If you put it on the tip of the ship and try to shoot your opponent, it will destroy the rocket. If your opponent gets in an Arwing or Wolfen rush over there and get under him or her so that the rockets can fire at your opponent. Note: If you are doing the breaks when they fire as the Wolfen, the rocket will hit you.

Avoiding Predator Rockets
Get someone on your Arwing and have them shoot the rockets behind you, or go full speed on the ground and before you hit the ground, go up. The rockets will hit the ground and explode.

Avoiding Landmaster charged laser
If your character jumps high, you can avoid the charged laser by jumping only when close to your opponent that is in the Landmaster.

Ride on Arwing or Landmaster in multi-player mode
Note: It is strongly recommended that you practice this a few times with a friend. Go to a level with pilots, Landmasters, and Arwings available. Try Corneria City, as there are many good places to board a ship. Choose a character that has a two to three star jumping ability. With a friend, make your way to either the Arwing or Landmaster. Have you or your friend jump onto the wing of the Arwing or the side of the Landmaster. Whoever does this should press [R] to keep steady. Then, have the other person press [Z] to start driving or flying.

Use the following trick to stand on the wing of an Arwing while nobody is driving. Note: It does not work on a few stages. Press [Z] on hop into an Arwing. While flying, press [Z] again and you will be on the outside of the ship. You can press [Z] again to get back into the ship. While you are on the Arwing, you can shoot any weapon that you could normal shoot on the ground. If you jump off the ship you will land on the ground and suffer no damage. The Arwing will go to the edge of the level until it explodes. The Arwing will then appear on the ground in less than a minute.

Easy Arisel attack
When in multi-player mode, select Katina. When the game starts, find the sniper rifle. If an Arwing is available, take it and do a fly by. Make sure that it fast. When in the Katina base, press [Z] to ride on the ship itself. Press [X] to zoom in and find your target (the second to fourth players) and fire. This makes it easier to kill then getting shot. Note: Do not fall off and watch out for Demon Launchers or any rocket. Get back in ship before the invisible wall hits by pressing [X] then [Z].

Arwing decoy move
Play in 2 vs. 2 multi-player mode. Get an Arwing then land it in an open area. You will jump onto the nose of the Arwing. Stay there. Have your teammate press [Z] and he will the pilot of the Arwing while you are on it. When under heavy fire the player piloting the aircraft can do a back flip with the [C-stick] on a count of "three". After you reach "three", have the person on the Arwing jump at about "three and a half", while the Arwing is doing a backflip. The person will be falling and can land back on the Arwing when it gets to a steady flight pattern.

Multi-player coordination
In 2 vs. 2 mode set the game on Arwings and Landmasters. When the battle starts, have one person drive, then hop out. Then, let the other person drive and you will be able to get a ride to your own vehicle or help and be a gunner. Note: Beware of Arwings. When you are on the Arwing you should have the gunner have homing rockets. In the Landmaster you should use machine or gattling guns. Once in awhile you should switch locations.

Arwing decoy
In multi-player mode, go to a level that has Arwing and on foot rules. Get into an Arwing. Go to a place where the other player cannot see (make sure he is not looking on your screen) and jump off with [Z] while making the Arwing go over your opponent's head. Then, while he is following the Arwing, shoot him with your best weapon.

Arwing surviving the Demon Launcher
If your opponent shoots a Demon Launcher at you, get out of the Arwing. Put your barrier on and the Arwing should survive. Note: Your Arwing needs full health to survive that blast, or simply just jump out of the Arwing and fall.

Things to do on the wing of an Arwing
Use the "Ride on Arwing…" hint. Some fun things to do include using hard-hitting weapons such as the homing rocket launcher, gatling gun, or machine gun. You can strap a Fireburst Pod onto the wing and have some nice explosive fun, watching the fireworks from the sky. Another good idea is to simply cover the tail of your ally's Arwing, just to make sure no one sneaks up behind you. Also, if you happen to have a Demon Launcher, you can really do some damage firing at other Arwings from a good spot. Overall, it would be a good idea to pack a Barrier along because you will be very vulnerable.

When you are saved by Wolf or Falco, you will use the plasma cannon. However if there are no enemies you can still use your other weapons and have fun with it.

Multi-player: Wing-riding
To wing-ride, set the option to 2-3 or 2-4. Have one player get near an Arwing and another player jump on the wing. When the second player is on the wing, have the first player get in the Arwing. From there, the second player can shoot at one target while the Arwing pilot can shoot at another target.

Easy health
Save your teammates to regain health.

Character ratings

Health: ***
Speed: ***
Jump: ***
Arwing Skill: ****
Landmaster Skill: ****
Pilot Skill: ****

Health: ****
Speed: **
Jump: ****
Arwing Skill: **
Landmaster Skill: *****
Pilot Skill: ***
Note: Slippy can charge his lasers faster than others.

Health: *
Speed: ****
Jump: ***
Arwing Skill: *****
Landmaster Skill: **
Pilot Skill: ***

Health: **
Speed: ***
Jump: ***
Arwing Skill: **
Landmaster Skill: **
Pilot Skill: ***
Note: Krystal will get two barriers when revived.

Health: **
Speed: *
Jump: *****
Arwing Skill: ***
Landmaster Skill: ***
Pilot Skill: ****
Note: Peppy charges up the blaster four times faster than other characters (except Slippy)

Health: *****
Speed: *****
Jump: ***
Arwing Skill: ******
Landmaster Skill: **
Pilot Skill: ****
Saved allies
The following is a list of allies that must be saved in each level.

Fortuna:Slippy, Falco, and Slippy
Katina outpost: Krystal, and Slippy
Sargasso space zone: Krystal, and Falco
Fichina: Slippy
Astriod Belt: Falco, Krystal, Falco, and Slippy
Sauria:Slippy, Falco
Cornera: Krystal, and Falco
Orbital Gate: Slippy, and Krystal
Apariod Homeworld: Falco, and Slippy
Homeworld Core: Slippy, Krystal, and Falco
Star Fox 64 reference
When you defeat Pigma when he becomes a Apariod next to the Arwing, it will show Sector Y from Star Fox 64.

Glitch: Queen referred to as boy
When you fight The Queen (the last Boss), some time during the battle with her first form Falco will indicate that the queen is a boy by saying "He just won't stop".

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