Spy Hunter Cheats - GameCube

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Check out these Spy Hunter cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat mode
Cheats are unlocked by completing all mission objectives (not just the primary objectives) within a set amount of time. To activate the cheats, enter "System Options", then choose "Extras", and "Cheat Grid". To play the FMV sequences unlocked in the cheat menu, choose the "Movie Player" option that is above "Cheat Grid".
Saliva Spy Hunter Video: Complete level 1 in 3:40.
Green HUD (Heads Up Display): Complete level 2 in 3:35.
Saliva Your Disease Video: Complete level 3 in 2:40.
Night Vision: Complete level 4 in 3:15.
Early Test Animatic Video: Complete level 5 in 3:25.
Extra Cameras: Complete level 6 in 3:45.
Rainbow HUD (Heads Up Display): Complete level 7 in 3:10.
Inversion Camera: Complete level 8 in 3:05.
Concept Art Video: Complete level 9 in 3:45.
Fisheye View: Complete level 10 in 3:15.
Camera Flip: Complete level 11 in 3:10.
Puke Camera: Complete level 12 in 3:30.
Making Of Video: Complete level 13 in 2:15.
Tiny Spy: Complete level 14 in 5:10.
Hover Spy: Complete the entire game.
Super Spy: Complete all 65 objectives in the game for unlimited ammunition and invincibility for your car.
Master code
Choose an agent at the start of the game and select an empty slot. Enter "GDOG57" as a name. The name will disappear and a clucking sound will confirm correct code entry. After this is done, enter your own name and start the game. All cheats will be unlocked on the cheat grid.

The Making Of Spy Hunter FMV sequence
Choose an agent at the start of the game and select an empty slot. Enter "MAKING" or "MODEL" as a name. The name will disappear and a clucking sound will confirm correct code entry. After this is done, enter your own name and start the game. Select "System Options", then "Extras", then "Movie Player" to access the FMV sequence.

Saliva: Spy Hunter Theme FMV sequence
Choose an agent at the start of the game and select an empty slot. Enter "GUNN" as a name. The name will disappear and a clucking sound will confirm correct code entry. After this is done, enter your own name and start the game. Select "System Options", then "Extras", then "Movie Player" to access the FMV sequence.

Saliva: Your Disease FMV sequence
Choose an agent at the start of the game and select an empty slot. Enter "SALIVA" as a name. The name will disappear and a clucking sound will confirm correct code entry. After this is done, enter your own name and start the game. Select "System Options", then "Extras", then "Movie Player" to access the FMV sequence.

Spy Hunter Concept Art FMV sequence
Choose an agent at the start of the game and select an empty slot. Enter "SHAWN" or "SCW823" as a name. The name will disappear and a clucking sound will confirm correct code entry. After this is done, enter your own name and start the game. Select "System Options", then "Extras", then "Movie Player" to access the FMV sequence.

Early Test Animatic FMV sequence
Choose an agent at the start of the game and select an empty slot. Enter "WOODY" or "WWS413" as a name. The name will disappear and a clucking sound will confirm correct code entry. After this is done, enter your own name and start the game. Select "System Options", then "Extras", then "Movie Player" to access the FMV sequence.

Classic Spy Hunter mini-game
Choose an agent at the start of the game and select an empty slot. Enter "OGSPY" as a name. The name will disappear and a clucking sound will confirm correct code entry. After this is done, enter your own name and start the game.
Classic Spy Hunter: Avoid enemies
When the weapons van first lets you out, keep going straight and use the turbo until you get to the second part.

Level 1: View motorcycle transformation
In the first level where the car turns into the boat; when approaching the weapons van go through the cones in motorcycle mode to go past it. When getting towards the end of the level, go through the cones once again to return through the level. When you get to the ramp where you can watch the transformation, approach it to see the motorcycle transform into the jet-ski.

Level 12: Less transmitters to destroy
When you first start level 12, "Locked Systems", you will find a couple of the transmitters that you need to destroy through out the mission as a secondary objective. Take the second bridge on the right side and the game will automatically reduce the number of remaining transmitters to destroy. The bridge also the has the helicopter. The stealth gate will as well reduce the number of transmitters remaining in the mission.

Glitch: Get trapped in truck
On multi-player level 2, "Dragon Strike", when the trucks start appearing, speed up and use your boost. Aim directly at the back of the truck. If done correctly, the game will show you trapped within the confines of the truck.

Glitch: Get trapped in box
At the end of multi-player level 2, "Dragon Strike", you can get inside one of the boxes after the jumps. The box that this happens with is the third one. Drive about full speed and when you pass the jump, immediately turn right and hit the corner of the box while shooting. If done correctly, you will be inside the box.

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